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Malwarebytes crashes on update

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Two days ago I tried to start a manual malware-definition-update. Mbam crashed. In the meantime I deinstalled the program 2 times.

I found this forum message:


I deinstalled mbam with the mbam cleaner and reinstalled the latest version. However, mbam still crashes after starting an update. Mbam also crashes after starting a scan (guess because there's an option activated that the scan begins with downloading the recent anti malware definitions).


What can be done? My pc tells me that it feels naked without a working mbam tool.


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Hello and :welcome: :
You might want to try the fix in this pinned topic: What to do: Runtime error - database stuck on 2014.03.04 - program 'stopped working' error

If that doesn't work, and you have already tried a clean reinstall without success, please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)




P.S. We can't read the log in XML format -- there's an option to "export to .txt" that would be better.  But you can skip that step for now. :)

Also, computer problems that sound "the same" most often are not -- a fix for one system can break another user's computer. So it's not a good idea to follow the steps in an old forum thread.

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I'm glad that worked for you.


Yep, for reasons that have proved a bit tough for the QA team to track down, a small subset of users end up with minor corruption of one of the configuration files. That causes the crashes.
That fix method repairs/replaces the file in question.
It has worked for most users with the problem.



ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page

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