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Google Chrome Slow with MBAM

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I am running XP with Chrome 37.0.2062.58 beta-m and the browser is painfully slow when Malware Protection is enabled.  I do not have this issue with IE 8 or Firefox 31.  I updated to the Chrome beta version due to severe lag with the official release but there was no improvement.  Simply opening Google search and typing into the text box results in a 3-4 second delay before the last entered character is displayed.  Basic brosing is also very slow.


Disabling Malware Protection significantly improves Chrome performance but there is still a hint of input lag that does not exist with the other two browsers.



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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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Hello and thank you for the quick response.  Unfortunately, the clean re-installation did not yield any improvements.  I produced the requested files but the FRST.exe process generates more information than I am comfortable posting in a public forum.  I completely understand that help will be limited or cannot be provided without the requested feedback.  I will continue to monitor the forum to see if anyone else is experiencing similar issues.


Thank you!

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Yes the logs do provide a lot of info, but rest assured no private info is collected. We can not really help without that info. Also waiting to see if someone else has the 'same' problem may not help much as everyone's computer is different.

That being said, if you prefer you can contact the Help Desk =>HERE<= and work with them one on one via email and provide the logs to them via email.

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