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Need to update

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I have a subscription for Malwarebytes Pro, and I want to update to the latest version. When I go to the website I see the option to buy the premium edition, but no place to enter my subscription key so I won't be charged again. Can someone help me with this. Thanks.

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Just to clarify,

....do you have a lifetime, consumer, 1-PC license for version 1.75 PRO and you want to update the program to version 2.x PREMIUM?

....or do you already have a new, subscription-based, 3-PC license for 2.0 PREMIUM and you want to upgrade the program from an earlier build to 2.0.2012?

....did you purchase your license online from the mbam store, or from another seller, or did you purchase on a CD?


If you could supply that info, it will help to provide the specific help you need.



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To tell you the truth, I don't know which of those 2 licenses I have, neither 1.75 or 2.0 is shown in my receipt. Since I'm new to this forum, I clicked on Malware.org at the top of the page and it had a bypass to the update, so I clicked on that and got the update. But can you explain the license differences and what I should have? I have a single laptop that I use at home. Thanks for your help.

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OK, well, let's start with the most important thing -- that is your license.

Updating the program will be easy, once we sort out the license.

We need to find out how you got your license and from whom ("when" might help a bit, too).

If you don't have the ID/key, then we need to know how to best help you find that info.


>>We could have you upgrade the program on top of your existing version. Normally the license info (ID/key) will be retained without a problem.  However, it is safer if you can find your license info BEFORE doing that, just in case.


  1. Where did you buy your MBAM PRO/PREMIUM?
  2. Was it online, or was it in a box?
  3. If it was online, do you have the transaction email from the e-commerce partner, cleverbridge?
  4. When did you buy it (that helps to tell what kind of license it is)?
  5. Does your program interface look like the "version 1.75" picture or the "version 2" picture?

Please answer each of the above questions,



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OK, very good.


So, it sounds as if you were automatically updated from version 1.x to version 2.0 from the program's internal updater.

You should be all set.

Under normal circumstances the license info from 1.x PRO will be retained when the user upgrades "in place" to version 2.0.


You ought NOT to have to reactivate anything or to pay anything.


I don't want you to post any part of your license info here in the forum (for privacy reasons).


So, 2 questions:

1) Does your program dashboard look like the picture (especially in the top ribbon, where it says "Premium")?

2) What do you see when you click on the "My Account" link (as shown in picture) -- please do NOT post your actual ID or key.




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Yes, it says premium and looks like the picture you just posted. When I click on my account it says licensed and shows today's date, my identifier number, and the key code shows ****, but I have that stored elsewhere.


Why are the license dates different? And what happens when the license date expires?

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OK, good. :)
Prior, valid, LIFETIME, consumer, 1-PC licenses were automatically migrated to similar, LIFETIME, consumer, 1-PC licenses for version 2.0.
There is no expiration for the legacy, LIFETIME licenses.
(There are new, subscription-based licenses for 2.0 that were sold AFTER version 2.0 was released in March 2014. THOSE types of licenses do need to be renewed. But that is NOT what you have -- if you purchased in 9/2013, then you have the "LIFETIME" license.  This KB topic has more information about all of this : What does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 Mean for Me?)
My computers running 2.0 all show the date of ACTIVATION, not the date of expiration.

So, you are probably seeing the date that you installed and activated your original license for version 1.75, back in 9/2013.

(Moreover, as explained, there is no expiration date for a lifetime license).

My screen shot shows a date of 5/11/2014, because I installed version 2.0 on this computer on that day.

EDIT: If yours shows today's date, then it merely means that version 2.0 was installed and activated today, the day of the upgrade.
A couple more items to get you squared away:


  • If your cleverbridge receipt from 9/2013 does NOT include your license ID/key, it would be highly advisable to contact them and have them resend it to you via email.  If you ever need to reinstall MBAM or transfer the license to a different computer, you WILL need that information.  Once you get it, store it in a safe place, including a paper copy.  To contact them, please go here: How do I obtain my license key?
  • Be sure to reboot the computer at least once, now that the MBAM program has been updated.
  • ALSO, for additional information:
    There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
    And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
    And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page

You should be all set now?


If not, please let us know.




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Where is the program's "internal updater"?  I had to upgrade from 1.75 to 2.02 manually.


It is different, depending on whether you have 1.75 or 2.0.


For 1.75, the updater settings need to be configured as shown in the attached screenshot.

For 2.0, there is not yet separate control of PROGRAM updates -- they come down, when available, along with DEFINITIONS updates.

(Restoration of separate program update control has been promised by the devs for a future release.)


Having said that, updates from 1.75 to and from to 2.0.21012 are being released to a portion of users at a time.

IOW all 3 million users do not get the update at the same time.

So, if you haven't received it automatically yet, then it merely has not yet been released to your computer.


If you want to download the installer now, without waiting for the internal auto-updater, you can get it here.

If you want to clean upgrade, the steps are here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x




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