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Last Scan Time not updating

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I'm a fairly new user of Malwarebytes Enterprise (a couple weeks installed with about 150 clients).  Most of the clients look correct in the console, but some just refuse to update the "last scan time" column.  If I click on one of the clients in question, then look at the system log I can see where I manually kicked off a quick scan and it completed (and when I do this, the client's status color changes to blue, indicating that it is scanning).   So the question is, why do these clients NOT show the correct "last scan time" status?   Part of me suspects that it's possible that these may have had the free Malwarebytes installed at some point and it wasn't removed prior to pushing out the Enterprise version, but the person I had walking around and doing the XP patch and turning the windows firewall off was supposed to uninstall any old (free) Malwarebytes installs that she found.  Any suggestions guys?





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The part of you with suspicions is likely right on target.  It is a common issue that a client installed by Enterprise Edition directly over a standalone client (intact or remnants) displays the characteristics you have noted.  Your guy may have uninstalled clients everywhere, not knowing that a uninstall using Windows Add/Remove programs does not completely uninstall the client.  You need a special tool to do that.  Under these circumstances, you will also need to uninstall the existing client which you installed via Enterprise Edition.  The steps that should remedy this are:

  1. Using Enterprise Edition, uninstall clients exhibiting the problem behavior.
  2. Use mbam_clean (link is http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbam_clean) on each of these clients to assure that remnants are also cleaned up.  Make sure that you right click the file so you can choose to Run as Administrator.
  3. Reboot each client to synchronize registries between disk and memory
  4. Using Enterprise Edition, install a new client with an appropriate policy of your choosing

That should fix the problem.

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