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I have issues with the new version. I consider it nothing more than bloatware. It was annoying with all its popups and unders and arounds so I installed 1.75. Now, it's annoying me with more popups unders and arounds telling me to upgrade. I'm sorry I spent my money on this. It worked fine and now you've broken it.

Can I get my money refunded?

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Hello and Welcome reluctantexan

Below are the steps you need to take so you do not get prompted about the upgrade.

To prolong the automatic major update of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (PRO) to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Premium), please follow these instructions:

Note well: Though the Lifetime license has been written about ad nauseam, eventually Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v1.75 support will not be practical and database updates will no longer be served.

  • Open the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware user interface (UI).
  • Single left-click Settings.
  • Single left-click Updater Settings.
  • Un-tick:
    • Download and install program update if available.
    • Notify me when a program update is ready for installation.
  • Close the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware user interface.
Please refer to the attachment below.


That being said, they have fixed the problem with all the popups (assuming your talking about blocked notifications and updates) with the latest beta if you want to try the beta to see if that helps you.

NOTE: You might also want to try installing the new beta which has corrected some issues found in the previous release.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta

As for the refund someone from staff would have to reply to that, and it may depend on how long ago you bought the software.


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