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Heart Bleed Attack


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               have malware bytes have any information and task with the Heart Bleed attack on computers. I only have limited knowledge that it attacks opn ssl server and only affects blog owner and website owner and not attacking individual computers.

                          I also know that popular website, i do not want to name, server is affected and so the connected computers also getting compromised by the attack. It steals the information of privacy data and the articles are beginning to emerge on the attacks. Some company tried to attack the code to try and found that it could retrive information of secret documents with penetrating the computer leaving no evidence of any log.

                        Have malware bytes any program to support the computer community, by its free version and also paid version.

                             Since it leaves no trace or logs of occurance, it steals the information silently. Since antiviurs programs only attacks on virus, I am asking malware bytes team to effectively counter this for the user of malware bytes.

                                   Hoping to get atleast some attention

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  • 2 weeks later...

Malwarebytes forums and all other malwarebytes co. websites are not heart bleed attacked. Slyfox said in general PC updates that it is not and he is an mod so yea it is not

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