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MBAM Premium and Internet connection

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I don't know if this has been covered already, but I didn't find anything.


Every time I start my computer, my Internet connection won't work as long as MBAM hasn't fully loaded (icon in the systray). Is this a known bug?


I must say I really don't like that excruciatingly long delay. In version 1.75, there wasn't any delay but I could manually add one in the registry to eliminate any conflict with ESET at startup. I could choose how long I wanted it. 60 seconds was perfect for me! Now, it's set automatically to something like at least 2 to 4 minutes. That's way too long for nothing. Could you please let MBAM start immediately at boot? There is a "Delay protection at startup" box in the settings, but I never understood what it actually did. Useless for me anyway.


Thank you



Using Windows XP Pro SP3, ESET Smart Security 7, and MBAM Premium

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Hello and :welcome:

Thank You
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I removed my MBAM with the MBAM Clean Utility and installed the Beta version instead, but it didn't help. Still no Internet connection while the MBAM services are loading. As soon as the icon appears in the systray, I can browse again in Firefox.


I even decided to disable MBAM from starting with Windows and restarted the computer. The problem remains until I completely remove MBAM again.


For now, I have removed MBAM completely and will not be installing it again. I will wait for a future official release.


Thank you for your assistance, but I'm out of time to run the diagnostic tools.

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Well if you want us to see whats going on and help you fix it, then help us help you by having Malwarebytes installed and it the setup when you say its causing internet not to work, then run the diagnostic tools and provide us with some logs so we can see what's going on...  But then again that's up to you...

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