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Malwarebytes set-up

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You should find all you need below...

Advanced Settings


  • Enable self-protection module: This setting controls whether Malwarebytes Anti-Malware creates a safe zone to prevent malicious manipulation of the program and its components. Checking this box introduces a delay as the self-protection module is enabled. While not a negative, the delay may be considered undesirable by some users. When unchecked, the "early start" option which follows is disabled.
  • Enable self-protection early start: When the self-protection module is enabled, you may choose to enable or disable this option. When enabled, the self-protection module will become enabled earlier in the computer's boot process — essentially changing the order of services and drivers associated with your computer's startup.

You can read the manual below to understand all functions of the new version....


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Users Guide
Version 2.0


Download PDF

NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here:
Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

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