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Well it occurred once again on my Win7 computer. forums.malwarebytes.org fail to open in IE, FF & Chrome. I tested about twenty other websites in all three browsers - all loaded OK.

Connected OK to forums.malwarebytes.org on another computer, therefore nothing was wrong with the site.

Back on the Win7 computer - closed all three browsers, reopened, same problem.

Exited Malwarebytes, Opened all three browsers and forums.malwarebytes.org loaded without problems

Started Malwarebytes, forums.malwarebytes.org continued to load without problems

What to try next?




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.. and again, this time on http://blogs.abc.net.au/wa/2014/06/george-lazenby.html?site=perth&program=720_mornings

Since this happens very infrequently, there must be a fairly unique sequence of events that cause it.

I have been doing software testing for decades and can usually narrow this sort of thing down, but this one has me stumped.

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Yes, I also have a Windows 8 laptop and a Windows 7 notebook. Neither of those are used as much as the desktop but I have seen this issue happen on the Windows 8 laptop a couple of times. Both these devices are set up similarly to the desktop.

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