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MWB 2.0 Premium... problems

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I have 12 MWB 2.0 Premium licenses installed on several computers on 3 different networks in 3 different physical locations. I have seen multiple instances of the following behavior which I am reporting.


1. Malware Protection and Malicious Website Protection have been turned ON and later they appear as turned OFF, leading to the big red FIX NOW warning on the DASHBOARD.


2. I click the FIX NOW and nothing happens. SOMETIMES running a scan (which is always clean) allows me afterwards to turn them on. Sometimes NOT and the only fix is to reboot.


3. Multiple icons for MWB in the bottom right corner of the desktop confirming that MWB is running multiple times. Usually it's 3x, with different amounts of RAM being used in TASK MANAGER. Simple enough to close 2 of them but I don't feel comfortable doing this and continuing so usually I'm inclined to waste my time rebooting.


I know the initial response will be that I am infected. Yet this has happened on multiple business systems and scans of Norton 360, MWV, SuperAntiSpyware and HouseCall reveal no problems. One of the systems is a totally isolated computer which we only use for Internet banking and it would be highly unlikely it could be infected.


I do plan to reformat the HDD on that system and reinstall Win7 fresh, then load back on all my anti-virus and I'm going to monitor that one very carefully to see if this apparent MWB 2.0 "bug" appears there because it's the closest thing to a pure "test" environment I have.


All systems are Win7 32-bit or 64-bit and all are kept religiously up to date. I run SANDBOXIE Internet sandbox browser on all of them as well.


Look, I'm not averse to submitting logs or running any test programs you suggest. But I respectfully suggest there is some buggy behavior in MWB 2.0 going on here.Oh, I also instructed Norton to exclude the 5 key MWB .exe's from its coverage just in case this is caused by real-time protection conflicts between MWB and Norton, which certainly has been a problem in the past.



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PS: MWV above should read MWB. Not seeing a way to edit...!


PPS: Oh, it's POSSIBLE that the extra instances of MWB arise when I do a right-click scan of a specific file or folder using MWB. I do this generally with anything I download. While I can't specifically say I've seen the extra instance "appear" right after that, it does seem this "multiple instance" behavior occurs mostly on the systems I use and I'm habitual about doing such discretionary scans. Never caused this problem in the previous version of MWB!

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Hello and :welcome:

Are this business computers? If so you should have a business license for those computers and post your issues in the Business Support section HERE, the consumer version is for home users. That being said, I would try the following on one of the computers having these issues to see it that resolves it for you.

Thank You
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