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Slower Speeds

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I am seeing slower scan speeds and Internet connection slowdown.


OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 File System: NTFS CPU: x86


I am running lifetime premium



Memory: Enabled

Startup: Enabled

Filesystem: Enabled

Archives: Enabled

Rootkits: Disabled

Shuriken: Enabled

PUP: Enabled

PUM: Enabled


Only other AV - Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 – firewall enabled and I leave it to do rootkits.


The disk it scans is 500gb in size of which 310 gb is used. Objects Scanned: 259227 approx. It takes over 40 to 50 minutes to scan on Threat. Hyper takes 25 mins plus with Rootkits and File System disabled. Heuristic Analysis is the one thing that takes ages to complete whatever scan I choose.


I have Malicious Website Protection and Malware Protection turned On.


Previous speed to internet before 2 install was 73mb download, Upload 18mb and ping 13. I have noticed that since installing version 2 my upload speed to the internet (tested on Ookala – web browser) has gone down from 18mb a sec to 16mb a sec. In addition the ping has doubled to 26 from 13.  Download speed is normal at 72mb to 73 mb a sec. I use an Ethernet cable to connect to the fibre optic modem.


I have, in another part of the house, a windows 7 machine using AV Bitdefender & Zone Alarm free for firewall which is connected by homeplugs and Ethernet cables to the fibre modem. It has just about the previous speed I experienced on the pro machine despite it being further away. Certainly the upload speed is the same.


In addition I have an IPad connected wirelessly through a wireless access point (when everything else is shut down) it sees 22 mb download 17.68 mb upload 13 ping. That was recorded well away in another part of the house.


I appreciate the security since XP is not supported by Microsoft but speeds are definitely affected.. 

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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:

  1. Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue or not.  -  MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  2. If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs.  -  Diagnostic Logs
  3. NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here:  -  Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
  4. NOTE: You may also want to try installing the new beta which has corrected some previously reported issues:  -  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta

Thank You

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  • 1 month later...

Just to let you know ..


I continued to run the older version until today I was offered


I firstly downloaded and installed over the old. It seized my system up and left the setup/install on the toolbar. Nothing budged..


I went to safemode and used windows uninstall from the control panel. Loaded up windows and used the MBM clean up tool. Rebooted.


I installed the new version and again set up seized up after install (I had disabled Kaspersky) and would not budge from the toolbar. It took a hard reboot to get it working again.


Now that it seems to be working .. myploadspeed has returned to 18 plus from 16mb upload and the scan times are half of what they were.

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