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see above


getting that pretty much every time I try to push a client out...but not always.


we can push a setting change in the domain to allow, but does anyone have the specifics?



got a Installation failed:  Client software has been installed and registered to this server...ok....so it failed?  its got a green shield...






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Hi Cleatus!


When pushing to your clients please make sure they are meeting the following requirements:


- Make sure the necessary ports are open (Default in setup is 443, 18457 for client, and 137 for NetBIOS)
- NetBIOS is enabled on client machines
- File sharing is enabled on client machines
- Make sure to be pushing with Domain Admin credentials
- Make sure .NET Framework 3.5 is installed
If the normal push method does not work and you try pushing with WMI, please make sure it is allowed in your firewall settings on the clients.
Regarding: " Installation failed: Client software has been installed and registered to this server" it means it could not install because it has already been installed previously.  
I hope this helps!
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Hi Cleatus,


Jeffrey is currently out of the office but I wanted to step in and make sure you were doing okay. It sounds like you were able to get your push installs working with WMI. Is this the case? Please let me know if you are still in need of assistance and I'll be happy to open a support ticket for you so that we can work on the issue further.

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Hi Cleatus,


WMI allows Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition to use a local Windows system account rather than the domain account to call the installation commands. This usually helps the installation with newer operating systems such as Windows 7 which have permission issues that prevent the domain account from being able to access the commands needed to run the install. WMI should not create any major security issues to my knowledge.

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