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Ignore List


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The Ignore List allows me to exclude certain files from scanning and this works fine.  But if I could also exclude certain extensions from scanning, this would greatly speed up my full scan.  For instance, I have over 15,000 MP3 and JPG files that could be excluded, which would work great on my system as I have noticed MWB spends a LOT of time on these files.


Thanks, Bill

Lifetime License

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  • Root Admin

Hi Bill and thank you for the feedback.  Excluding based on extension can backfire on you as some infections do change the extension and then use another program that can then call those files to use.  If you had them excluded then they would not be detected as an infection. 


Perhaps some type of digital fingerprint technology might help in that regard but I'll point the Development Team this way.


Thanks again


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  • Root Admin

We do support excluding folders from scanning, but yes, that too can potentially cause the same issue.


If you have a specific folder where you keep music and images and they're not the default locations then the risk of malware using such folders would be greatly reduced if you did exclude those folders.  If using the default folders then their is a higher risk of a potential infection using those folders.


If you're using the paid PRO version though you could also setup a silent scan to complete at night while you're sleeping if you wanted to. 

Also please note that doing a Full Scan in most cases is really not needed.  The Quick Scan already scans for all known infection loading points.  A full scan would be what is considered flat file scanning and your antivirus would actually be better at that type of infection.  We specialize in zero day and actual infections rather than non active threat files that are not active.


Happy Holidays to you as well

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