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About bmullin

  • Birthday 10/26/1944

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ
  • Interests
    Computing, home theater

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  1. With VPN off on both PC's, still no access. So I turned off MWB entirely and still had the problem. The glitch doesn't seem to be related to MWB, so I'll have to explore other possible fixes. Thanks for the help!
  2. Trust Local Devices is turned ON on both systems.
  3. One PC is running Win 11 and one is running Win 10. Both were updated during today's "2nd Tuesday" update.
  4. I've set up my 2nd PC for 2 folders to be accessible across the network by my 1st PC. This has worked forever, but after installing the MWB VPN on both PCs I'm no longer able to access these 2 folders. Is there a quick & easy parameter I should be setting? Other than this problem, the VPN is working great on both systems. Thanks, BMullin
  5. I agree, but once I get my last 2 states on 6M, I'm done watching the maps. FWIW, I am looking for VT and DE on 6M FT8. Once I have them I'll have FT8 WAS on 10 bands! I'll also abandon 6M at that time, I don't find it to be a "fun" band. 73, Bill AA4M
  6. I just rebooted and found that Ad Blocker for DXMaps is still off. So it's fixed but I have no idea why it is working properly now . . . must be gremlins! Thanks all for the help, Bill
  7. Yes, DXMaps shows up after I add it to the list. Upon reboot it is no longer on the list. FWIW, I am very knowledgeable about all things PC. The problem is MWB, not me!
  8. I switched the first toggle off, then ads are not blocked as is required by this site. When I reboot, this toggle for this site has been turned back on. I don't know how I can describe this any better!
  9. I turned the Ad Blocker off for a single site, rebooting turned the Ad Blocker back on. If it helps, the site was www.dxmaps.com.
  10. Yes, I turn off the Ad Blocker/Tracker switch, MWB turns it on again whenr I reboot.
  11. I have a site that I cannot access with the Ad Blocker on. I turn it off and all is OK on that site. But when I reboot it has turned on again! What do I need to do? Thanks, BMullin
  12. I've noticed a dramatic slowdown on both of my Windows 10 desktop PC's performance after upgrading from 2.x to I did the full clean and installed the new version in both PC's, but there was no difference. Most affected by this slowdown was our Acronis backup which was taking about 20% longer and "CCleaner/Registry/Scan for Issues" which is taking about 275% longer! So . . . I experimented a bit and have found the problem! Using "CCleaner/Registry/Scan for Issues" as my "test vehicle", I turned different parameters off and on until I located the culprit! With the "Enable self-protection module" off, Scan for Issues takes 6:43 seconds (seconds:hundredths). With the same module on, Scan for Issues takes 18:54 seconds. These times were taken with a simple stop watch, so they could all be +/- 1 second, although I ran the tests a bunch of times and got comparable results to the above times with every test! No other parameters seemed to make any difference with this testing. Note that with "Enable self-protection module" turned off, Acronis backup times returned to normal and other applications returned to their normal (fast) speeds. So I think someone at MWB needs to take a look at the "Enable self-protection module" and find out why it crippled both of my PC's, as well as many other users I'd guess. In the meantime, I'm keeping the parameter turned OFF! Any questions, please ask. If you'd like me to take part in any tests, I'd be glad to help. Thanks, Bill
  13. Done, on both PC's, no difference. So . . . I experimented a bit and have found the problem! Using "CCleaner/Registry/Scan for Issues" for testing, I turned different parameters off and on until I located the culprit! With the "Enable self-protection module" off, Scan for Issues takes 6:43 seconds (sec:hundredths). With the same module on, Scan for Issues takes 18:54 seconds. These times were taken with a simple stop watch, so they could all be +/- 1 second, although I ran the tests a bunch of times and got comparable results to the above times every test! No other parameters seemed to make any difference with this testing. So I guess someone at MWB needs to take a look at the "Enable self-protection module" and find out why it's crippling both of my PC's, as well as many others I'd guess. In the meantime, I'm keeping the parameter turned OFF! Thanks, Bill
  14. I hold 2 lifetime licensess. A couple of days ago I installed (not the beta) on my PC and my wife's. Since then, both PC's are having the same problem, a 20% slowdown when running Acronis backup or CCleaner registry check for issues. Other applications are sluggish but I can't tell how badly. I have MS Defender turned off and no other antivirus programs installed. Is there some parameter I can check (or uncheck) to speed things up?
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