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Malwarebytes Wont Run

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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is owned by Malwarebytes Corporation not me. I can't give extended support for the program, all I can do is make sure your computer is free from malware.

If you're having problems with the program, I suggest you contact them.

I suggest you clean out your temp files with CCleaner (make sure you have the latest version and don't use the registry cleaner), run StartupLite and update and do a full scan with your MSE anti-virus.

Let me know...MrC

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Sorry for the late response, but I have been busy. Any way I have tried what you have recommended, but startup lite found no unnessassary programs. However the startup still takes about 10 minutes and the computer still works very slowly. Also the scan with Microsoft security essentials does the same as with malwarebytes, it freezes on a random object. Could it be possible that my hard ddvw is failing? The laptop is three years old and has been taken on many trips.

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These are your partitions:

Partition 1 Recovery 13 GB 1024 KB

Partition 2 Primary 100 MB 13 GB

Partition 3 Primary 284 GB 13 GB


Lets check the disk for any errors:



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