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Long suspicious script?


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I'd like to know if those two sites are safe because Unmask Parasites says they both have long suspicious scripts.




So can someone tell me if this is dangerous:

var _gaq=_gaq||[];_gaq.push(['_setAccount','UA-20599470-1']);_gaq.push(['_addDevId','i9k95']);_gaq....

Thanks in advance.

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Hi, brokencassy: :)


In addition to DHL's observation, does this involve the same computer for which you recently started a topic in the malware removal section >>HERE<< ?


If so, it appears that our forum Admin, AdvancedSetup, was working with you there, but that the topic was closed for lack of feedback?


As such, and since there's not enough info to provide much help here in this topic, it would probably be a good idea to send AdvancedSetup a PM, asking that he re-open your other topic.

He will work with you there to check and clean your system.

Please stay with that topic until he gives you the "all clear".





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