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Malware bytes ?


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Malwerbytes is only a Mittelmaesige software I have purchased the Pro version and had the Qone8  virus on my computer has  total 66 Infected files and Malwerbytes just 3 found  of them and then discovered the malicious website blocking as a function of stuff that no one comes on only torrent site more just because it was there maybe once and then the malicious and the  file protection feature but also disturbs the flow in the OS

total the software just is not maturity 

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I have a real hard time to figure out what you are saying..

We detect Qone8 as PUP.Optional.Qone8.A - but since this is a PUP detection, and you want the Protection Module hit this, under your scanner settings, please adjust the setting to check for removal (for PUP).

Because, by default, PUP detections are not autoquarantined/removed as this is user choice (hence the PUP).

A PUP isn't a virus and is no malware, it's a Potentially Unwanted Program, so hence why this is user choice whether he wants to remove the program or not and why our Protection Module cannot autoquarantine this by default.

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http://www.enigmasoftware.com/qone8com-removal/?gclid=CPaCxsm20boCFYlV3godwUcAqQ  Read this Post Spyhunter have removed this  Virus from my Computer Malwarebytes have loosing by this realy Dangerous Virus 66 Infected registry Keys  and malwarebytes have only found 3 Infected Keys  ONLY 3


ONLY 3 :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub: So Very Bad

Edited by AdvancedSetup
remvoed foul language
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