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Is this a false-positive?


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The ones you have are "install wrappers". This means, it's software that bundles other software with it that users probably might not want, but end up installing it anyway because these bundles/offers are prechecked in the install screens + often advertised as recommended while these aren't needed at all.

These aren't malicious, just unneeded/unwanted.

It's safe to quarantine what mbam found - it won't affect anything.

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The ones you have are "install wrappers". This means, it's software that bundles other software with it that users probably might not want, but end up installing it anyway because these bundles/offers are prechecked in the install screens + often advertised as recommended while these aren't needed at all.

These aren't malicious, just unneeded/unwanted.

It's safe to quarantine what mbam found - it won't affect anything.

Thank you so much :) It makes alot more sense now. Thank you!

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