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Run time errors

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For some reason whilst I was asleep, Malwarebytes decided to have run-time issues. I had updated Java three days ago, and whilst I slept, the following messages popped up on my screen:


"Run-time error '0'"


"run-time error '440'

Automation error"


I closed the program and tried to restart it and got the same messages


Have downloaded and had Windows safety scanner do a complete scan of system and it says nothing is wrong.


Any ideas?







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Thanks for  the assistance.


Downloaded the file, extracted it and ran the scan...... and at 56% of active files decided to close puter and reboot. Guess what? Malwarebytes is working again. No registry probs, or whatever was causing the malfunction.


Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth... will keep the MS file and see what happens next time I suffer from this agin.



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