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Rand Mann

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I noticed RegCure was removed from RougeRemovers List I cant understand why? This has to be one of the worst Rouge Apps their is. Heres a link to what users at download.com think of RegCure.

post-1172-1176662199_thumb.png post-1172-1176662228_thumb.png


Another one that should be added to the list is Stopzilla 4.4 This app is just plain worthless a royal pain. Another link to see what people think of this app.



I'm not a spammer but these apps ( SHOULD NOT BE USED ) they are Rogue Apps and if these apps have been discussed before SORRY and Thanks for your Time.




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  • Root Admin

Welcome to the forum, I was about to answer your e-mail address. RegCure is created by Paretologic, a company that has a very shady past. They are very slowly cleaning up their act and we have decided to give them a chance.

Malwarebytes doesn't just evaluate a program once. We do thorough evaluations every few months. When the time comes around and they fail to pass the criteria, they will be delisted.

As for StopZilla, they are annoying. They will never change their ways, however they aren't a threat, just a nuisance. Thanks for your input, feel free to hang around =).

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RubbeR DuckY,

Thanks for the info on RegCure I dought they will change their ways same with Stopzilla. Got to get the word out on these Rouge apps. RegCure sucked me in and getting a refund is impossible, I tried Stopzilla what a nightmare all the negative reviews are right wished I would of never used Stopzilla. I just hope people who read this learn from my mistake and never use Regcure or Stopzilla.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Eek. I actually have their XoftSpySE ;) (Use it as a back-up from my SUPERAntiSpyware scanner)

And I honestly don't know about the company's past, and don't know what they did to be listed as rogue.

Advertising through ad-ware/spyware? False positives?

Here are a couple links http://spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm and http://spywarewarrior.com/viewtopic.php?t=1154 and more here http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,9877664 . I find a good way to dig up info is to Google using the terms [product name] "rogue" you either get pages of hits or nothing. ;)

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