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Having had bad experiences with Facebook - and given how hard it is to delete an account - I wonder why Malwarebytes associates with Facebook?

Any answers?

Facebook functioned as "malware" for me, i.e. when someone I know used Facebook to attack me ... and I am not alone in this kind of experience ... so why effectively promote a Ponzi scheme (in my view) which has already lost 50% of the first offering of shares?

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Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes.

If your intention is to speak ill of Facebook, then you have succeeded; however, much of what you say is incorrect.

Essentially calling Facebook malware is the same as essentially calling Windows malware. Both are vectors for attack but neither are malware.

Calling Facebook a Ponzi scheme is also has no basis.

Facebook is a great social media tool to reach out to and connect with people. Malwarebytes does this successfully in my opinion.

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Chris is correct. Facebook tries to control what content is available on it's site, but like many other services things do slip through like infected apps or bad advertisements. You need to be careful when using Facebook and use good browsing habits like any other website. Simply blaming Facebook has no merit as they try their best, but humans are humans and will always be subject to errors or faults. Humans are not perfect unlike computers so things happen.

You can delete your Facebook account at https://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=224562897555674

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Thanks for the welcome ... I've been tardy in joining the forum, though I've had Malwarebytes for a few years and maybe should have joined earlier.

Anyhow I cannot retract what I wrote about Facebook, though of course it is not malware-as-such ... which is why I wrote, "Functioned as 'malware' ".

Also Facebook has only worked because of rapid growth and always getting more on board, so it is at least akin to Ponzi schemes ... and bear in mind that initial offering shares have collapsed by 50%.

Also one cannot delete an account via https://www.facebook...224562897555674

Albeit that trenchant defenders of Facebook will never try it ... just try deleting your profile, changing your name (only allowed once) and even your language (as I did to Estonian, ffs).

It'll make no difference ... likely (well I did) you'll get an email saying that 'friends' are waiting to hear from you.

I eventually did find a way to get free via Google ... which involved never having any connection with FB for at least two weeks, but I cannot recall the details.

Just be aware that if you have Facebook, someone else can use it to attack you with impunity, as happened to me ... and you have NO recourse. Well just try contacting Facebook!!

By contrast with Malwarebytes and most other apps, etc ... yep even including Microsoft ... with FB there is NO means to raise questions, let alone a forum like this.

"Love thyself and Facebook."

I prefer, "Know Thyself" ... and "The unexamined life is not worth living."

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Anyhow I cannot retract what I wrote about Facebook, though of course it is not malware-as-such ... which is why I wrote, "Functioned as 'malware' ".

Perhaps you meant to say that it functioned as a malware delivery mechanism?

Also Facebook has only worked because of rapid growth and always getting more on board, so it is at least akin to Ponzi schemes ... and bear in mind that initial offering shares have collapsed by 50%.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Ponzi scheme" is:

an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks

So, are you actually accusing Facebook of this, and if so may I ask for some sort of proof? Falling stock prices are not proof of a "Ponzi scheme", and could simply be due to the rising popularity of Google+ (or the realization by Facebook users that Facebook is not as safe or secure as they thought it was).

As for the rest of your complaints against Facebook, I don't use it, nor do I have an account there, so I really don't have a whole lot to say. I have always refused to use social networking websites (unless you consider YouTube to be a social networking website). I do consider Facebook to be a security and privacy hazard, however my understanding was that it was getting better.

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I am very worrying about one thing. some body hack my facebook id. but i don't know who is doing it. please anybody suggest me how i get my facebook account back.

You'll have to talk to Facebook about that, and I wouldn't expect it to be a quick process.

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