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Browser Protection

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i love your software but i can see, some program change browser search engines without my permission.

I think Malwarebytes in future version can check and alert the user if a software try to change for example, firefox settings :)

This is only feedback.

Thanks for lissen me.

Good Work!


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Good idea, but there is a selection for Firefox and IE to prevent any program from making changes to the settings or browser. It also will stop search engines from changing preferences, like the dratted ASK.com and others. Good idea though, maybe MBAM can implement a stronger "browser locker".

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  • 4 weeks later...

You may want to consider using WinPatrol to assist you in keeping your browser settings safer


Tutorial here http://www.winpatrol.com/features.html

Also, Do not browse the web whilst logged in with administrator-rights account. Use standard-user-level account.

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