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Trojan! Anti-Malware wont run! windows 7 update error!

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Hi, If tried everything in the FAQ section and nothing seems to be working. I previously had anti-malware malwarebytes but its not let me run it, access denied, error.Ive tried updating windows but i also get an error screen. Also, i have pop up ads playing in the background when nothin is running. I believe that is a Trojan virus. Could someone please help me with this? Thanks

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Hello and :welcome:

First off it does seem like you are infected, and please be patient, someone will help you. There is no need to post in 4 different locations to try and get some help.

I see you already started a topic in the Hijack This Section HERE and HERE. To make things easier stick to only the topic located right => HERE and one of the experts will assist you.

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