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What virus protection to buy for K12?


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I've since tried 4 more times using various configurations, and the same result. I'm thinking it must be some incompatibility with a kernel level driver or something that I have on my system (can't figure out what though because I went as far as uninstalling 2 of them that seemed troublesome). I think the only way for me to get it to install/work correctly (and figure out what's unique to my setup that it HATES will be to do a format/reinstall and install it before anything else (aside from Windows Updates of course). I don't know if I really want (or need) IE8 that badly though. Perhaps once it's been out a bit longer I can find others with the same/similar problem and narrow down the cause and then figure out a fix.

EDIT: Looks like I had TOO MUCH protection and IE8 didn't like it

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Yeah I hear that I clicked on you link and guess that is what you are going to try next then since could be an answer without having to format also I know what you mean about not really having to have it but kinda suks when it denys ya like geting a basketball stuffed back in your face kinda thing post back when you get this has kinda turned into a suspense type thing but sounds like your determined ,ha to not let it win :(

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OK, I found a post (on Wilders I think) stating that one user disabled all of Spybot's Immunization, Spywareblaster's protection, and removed IESPYAD, installed IE8, then after a reboot, reloaded all those protections and everything's working, so it could just be an issue with leaving the protections on during install. I'll give it a try to day and give you guys an update. If it doesn't work then I'll stick with IE7 as I don't want to risk not having that added layer of protection.

edit: Well here I am, using IE8. The large amount of restricted sites was the problem. I haven't tried reenabling the protections yet, but I will shortly. I'll let you know how it goes...

edit edit: Before reimmunizing (still haven't done it yet) I decided to start the Windows Sidebar. It won't run. It crashes every time and I even went so far as to manually remove every third party gadget on my computer, and it still crashes. I don't know what the heck is going on with IE, but this is B.S. and I'm pretty sure I'll be removing it shortly...edit: I'm not the only one with a hosed sidebar, turns out installing IE8 unregisters a few system dll's and sometimes it fails to re register them so it must be done manually, sidebar is now fully functional (unfortunately I had to go and reload/reconfigure all those darn gadgets, oh well). The saga continues...

FINAL UPDATE: So I immunized with Spybot and Spywareblaster no problem. Loaded IE, noticably slower to start than before, but reasonable (took about 5-10 seconds longer than without any immunization, approximately the same as IE7 was with all protections enabled). Finally I closed IE8 after doing a bit of browsing and opened up ZonedOut (the program used to load IESPYAD's restricted sites list). I immunized with it and it seemed to go fine. I tried opening IE8 and sure enough, it ate up mass amounts of CPU and I waited like 3 minutes, still no IE. So it looks like this is a fail. Now I'm pretty sure I'll be switching back to IE7 because although using just Spybot and Spywareblaster's protections alone would be OK with me, what happens over time as the number of malicious sites they protect against increases? IE will gradually slow down and eventually I'd be in the same boat I'm in now. So I think I'll try IE8 for a few more days and if it doesn't have anything that really compells me to make the final switch and feel safe without my preferred levels of protection, I'll be going back to IE7. Sorry MS, but this time you've scored very high on the fail scale :( .

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OMG ya sounds like my kinda luck sometimes . dam I dont blame ya I wulds been stressed going tho all that especially when I think something would go fairly smooth and the computer doesnt wana cooperate or MS doesnt wana cooperate . I feel fortunate now mine went ok .both at home and at work ya does sound like BS . I was thinking of installing a new cd burning software well moving one of work computer onto home computer but after reading you saga I think I will wait because I dont wont to go tho a possible similar situation since I never got a program of one computer that was preinstalled and transfered it via flashdrive to home computer so I can have it there wont never use it on work computer but anyhoo ..... Im not in a hurry to now . :(

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Well, MS is aware of the issue as many have reported it to them as well as Safer Networking (Spybot Search & Destroy) so I expect that either those programs (perhaps with the exception of IESPYAD because of what it is) will modify their protections to cope with IE8, especially since it's the default browser in Windows 7 or MS will figure out how to fix it and do so, although I think MS caring enough to fix it is less likely.

edit: So here I am on the forum once more, with IE7. Oh well, IE8 was fun while it lasted, but I'm not giving up my teflon vest for the sake of a pimped out leather coat MS, thank you very much :( .

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Ergh, don't ya hate upgrades somtimes? When I went to upgrade my Nvidia drivers recently, the moment I logged on after removing the old ones, vista prompted me to complete the install. I assumed this was due to the uninstall process, but what it actually did was install some old old old nvidia drivers and the nvidia control panel... but it wasn't in programs and features and there was no real way I could find to uninstall them. Ended up just putting the newest ones over the top (not usually a good thing to do with drivers) but everything has been fine, and it all reports as using the newest drivers. Still, it would have been nice to do it cleanly.

Looks like I'll give IE8 a few months before I consider updating lol.

Why can't all software be as trouble-free as MBAM :(

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