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False Positive: Worm.Agent / Registry Keys


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I have the same things showing after doing a scan with MBAM database v2012.04.11.06. The items are currently quarantined and hadn't shown up yesterday.

Another alleged Worm.Agent was pmmig.exe which I uploaded to Jotti's malware scan; none of the 20 programs there found anything,so I've restored the file.

I'll be interested to know your findings!


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Another alleged Worm.Agent was pmmig.exe which I uploaded to Jotti's malware scan; none of the 20 programs there found anything,so I've restored the file.



@Hi Madeline; Rich had been working on the pmmig.exe hit with me and it should no longer show up as a worm.agent when the newer definition updates comes out. It's part of the Pale Moon Browser product.

Virus Total



File name: pmmig.exe

Detection ratio: 0 / 42

Analysis date: 2012-04-11 02:46:05 UTC


@ALL: I had the registration 'worm" entries as well and just deleted ("quarantined") them temporally until someone comes up with an answer one way or another as to their safety.

RE: My original post # http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=108449&view=findpost&p=541456



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