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  1. @Porthos just seeing this, but no I haven't made any changes in that section
  2. idk why this started happening, bc I've used the combo for years without any issue :/ I actually just read some old forum posts from 2020 + 2021 where you talk about this conflict, and super appreciate ur patience while helping me with it.
  3. @Porthos thanks so much!! i'll give this a shot and report back. I'm gonna be stoked if this works bc I've been having this problem about a month now, so thanks a lot fr <3
  4. @Porthos thank you so much for the speedy reply!! mbst-grab-results.zip
  5. Hello all!, I was wondering if I could receive some help with recent BSOD issues I've been having. The bluescreen says tcpip.sys has failed, but the minidump points to MBAMservice.exe in each of the minidump (has been happening for around a month while I try to fix it). I have attached all the minidumps in a zip file below if that helps! I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, disabling certain network devices, and uninstalling and reinstalling network drivers and updated chipset drivers. I have also attached my DxDiag information incase that helps too. Any help is more than appreciated bc this ***** is driving me insane 😭 Minidumps.zip DxDiag.txt
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