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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Same problems here for ~4 weeks on the Vista system.

    Now that you mention it, it started at about the time I installed MBAM Pro, but I hadn't made the connection!

    Files/folders backups generally have been successful (though incremental backups are taking far too long).

    Complete PC backup has failed every time (same problem - computer hangs ~95% through backup, cannot kill process (b/c I cannot even bring up task manager), cannot shut down from start menu, have to do hard reboot).

    No help from Dell TS or MS forums (though there are many threads about this at various MS boards).

    The ext HD has plenty of space.

    I can copy/paste files to the ext HD just fine - it's only the Windows backup utility that doesn't work.

    I even went out and bought a brand new ext HD, and it won't even start the complete PC backup without generating an error.

    Dell claims it's an OS failure and I need to do a deep repair of Windows or wipe the HDD! (Yeah, the standard cop-out. If I'm going to have to go to this trouble, I will be installing 7, not reinstalling Vista)

    Did nearly all the troubleshooting suggested at a couple of MS boards, to no avail.

    As such, I have not been able to do a complete PC backup for ~1 month.

    I am using Carbonite to backup my files (which I disable during Windows backup, of course), and am performing F/F backup regularly (though what should take a few minutes is taking hours!), and even went to trouble of copying all my documents folders to an ext HD, as well (since I work from home and have lots of important files here, I cannot afford to lose my data).

    I guess I will try today to disable MBAM Pro during my weekly F/F backup and maybe <gulp!> <gulp!> try 1 more time on the complete PC backup to see what happens....

    Would appreciate any advice on this, since a nuke/pave would be a real PIA at this time.



  2. Hi Plutinchen,

    I don't think you'll have problem downloading it to your macbook and then copy it to a USB stick... as long as your macbook can read and write the USB stick.

    No prob... glad to help.

    Isn't it a bit risky to use a thumb drive to transfer (even MBAM) between an uninfected computer and infected one?

    I thought it was generally recommended to be safer to burn the MBAM file to a CD (read-only)?

    Or does it depend on the infection?

    Just asking, in case I ever need to do something like this.



  3. On your suggestion for ESET Smart Security, don't let me stop you, I found out that isn't the issue. I removed ESS and had nothing installed but MBAM and as soon as I enabled protection and tried to launch Firefox the machine just froze, no other security software installed whatsoever, Windows Defender disabled. Had to force it off, Windows would not respond to anything. The CPU gadget shot up to 100% immediately before it stuck, the clock stopped, etc. Just wanted to clarify to anyone already reading this thread that ESS is not at issue here.

    I will go ahead and start a new thread when I have more info. It looked like something that should go here and as a new member it takes a post or two to find the procedures at a particular forum. Thanks for the response.


    I'm no expert -- just that mostly computer illiterate senior citizen again :) -- but what you're describing kinda sounds like a Windows problem, rather than an MBAM problem per se?

    (Not to mention that, if you're running FF 3.6, it's a bit buggy and has its own share of "issues". Have you tried another browser, such as Opera, to see if it has the same problem?)

    But I assume you've already considered that.

    And you've probably already tried rolling back to a Windows RP.

    FWIW, my systems are both 32-bit -- Vista Ultimate SP2 on the desktop (OEM McAfee Security Center) and 7 Pro on the laptop (Webroot ISE).

    MBAM Pro does seem to be running fine (WITH active protection) on both.

    I know that Win 7 (X64) still has its issues insofar as some software and drivers are concerned. Software in particular has been slow to catch up for X64 for some reason, though I assume that MBAM Pro has been fully tested in that environment.

    But you've probably already thought of that, too.

    Sorry, I'm really not much help.

    I do hope you get it sorted out, though.

    I can appreciate your frustration.

    Computers just stink sometimes. :)

    *Ms." daledoc1

  4. @paulhafer


    If you're willing to spend some time, I'm sure we can come up with a solution that works for you. As I recall, when Daledoc1 first came on the board he didn't appear to be too keen on the idea of all the tweaking that may be necessary and didn't seem to really be sold on the idea that MBAM real time protection was all that. It looks to me like we made a believer out of him after all. Some folks come on the board for one problem and then we never see them again. He's still here though and contributing. :)

    Other than the fact that I'm a "she", not a "he", I would tend to agree with you. :)


  5. Thanks Jack...I have been unable to find any place to exclude mbam in Webroot, in fact the only exclusion list I have is for some website cookies that I dont want the av to block or quarantine, and I sure havent found any HIPS or PUPS settings. Frankly I'm not stuck on this av, but I am VERY impressed with MBAM, so if there is a more mbam compatible av you could suggest, I would appreciate it.


    Anyway thanks again for the help, and I would like a mbam-friendly av suggestion if you can offer one.



    MBAM Pro runs fine with the entire Webroot ISE suite (FW/AV/AM), once you take care to install it properly.

    It sounds as if you are only running the AV with Spysweeper (NOT the full suite with the Firewall, as I am)?

    That may explain why you can't find a way to set firewall exclusions?

    This concept applies to a *firewall*, so you would want to do the same thing for whatever firewall you are using on your system.

    What Jacktivity was trying to explain -- I think -- is that the MBAM folks have prepared detailed instructions for how to do this for *some* ISS, but not all of them.

    Webroot just isn't one of the ones they've covered.

    But the process is the same.

    It wasn't hard.

    Security apps and suites are complex things these days, so it's not surprising that one needs to pay attention to a few details (especially during installation) in order to minimize conflicts and other problems when one runs a "layered" security approach on one's system.

    At least that's been my observation over the years, as a nearly computer-illiterate senior citizen. :)

    (FWIW, one major advantage for me with Webroot is that their tech support is based in North America. There is no perfect ISS, and they all have advantages and disadvantages.)



  6. @ paulhafer


    DaleDoc1 seems to think you need to also delay the start of MBAM's protection module. <snip>


    Yup -- my first attempt at installing MBAM on the laptop (running Webroot ISE w/the same version Paul mentioned ( did not complete properly, b/c I had neglected to temporarily disable the Webroot FW/AV during MBAM install. I ended up having to uninstall/clean/reinstall MBAM, making sure that Webroot was disabled during the installation. It went fine the 2nd time, although I did make sure to "allow" all the MBAM EXE files in the Webroot firewall and MBAM as a "trusted publisher".

    However, I did find that -- even on this Win7 platform -- configuring MBAM active protection to start @ Windows startup *did* cause apparent conflict with Webroot (both applications hung/crashed). The easiest fix was to disable the MBAM "run at startup" feature, letting Webroot load completely and check for its updates *before* starting MBAM active protection. (Like Jacktivity said, this shouldn't be "necessary" on Vista or 7, but it does seem to be the case with Webroot products, and you can either do as I do (manually start MBAM active pro after bootup), use the reg import the MBAM folks can give you, or install WinPatrol, which allows you to configure MBAM (or any program) for a delayed start.)

    I used to run Webroot products on my old XP box some years ago and did find a tendency to conflict with other programs, especially other security apps. So, I was not surprised to observe this issue, even w/today's current versions and a new OS. That said, the FW is quite sensitive and seems to work much better than the crappy McAfee FW on my other computer.

    FWIW, there *is* no way for home users of consumer Webroot products to configure the FW beyond adding EXE files and "trusted publishers". When I tried to add the other MBAM files (DLL, SYS, REF, etc), I found no way to do it. I contacted Webroot support about this, and they confirmed that this isn't possible (or, according to them, necessary).

    MBAM Pro (with a manual start to active protection ~1 min or less after bootup) seems to work fine on both the laptop running Webroot and the desktop running McAfee.

    Anyway, this is just what happens on my system. :)

    Yours might be a bit different, esp if it is running XP, not Vista or 7.

    Best regards,


  7. Hi there, I'm new here :)

    Just a few days ago I paid for the full version of MBAM, as I am really impressed with this piece of software!

    But, just one thing is on my mind that is concerning me at the moment.

    If I enable the Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware protection module (The thing that comes with the paid version that allows you to get MBAM to run in the background and scan your computer/internet sites for Malware, will it conflict with my Anti-Virus program - which is McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (8.5)

    If someone could clear this up, I'd be ever thankful to you.

    FoxTint :)

    Hi, FoxTint:

    The experts here have already given you the best and most sound advice. :)

    However, I will say that I am running the active protection module of the paid version of MBAM Pro 1.44 alongside my OEM Consumer (NOT Enterprise) McAfee Security Center (VS 13, SC 9 -- we are still waiting for the 2010 updates here in the US) without any problem.

    I did take the trouble during the MBAM install to follow the expert advice provided about making sure that the MBAM exe files are allowed in the McAfee firewall. (I also followed the general -- though not universal -- recommendation to TEMPORARILY disable the McAfee FW and AV features during MBAM installation.)

    I had some issues with MBAM Pro running at Windows startup on my other computer (that runs Webroot ISE, not McAfee).

    So, to avoid any potential issues with that on the McAfee system, I don't have MBAM Pro active protection set to run at Windows startup.

    Instead, I wait ~30 seconds until the system has fully booted before I manually start the MBAM Pro active protection.

    If you find this too cumbersome, you can either try setting MBAM Pro to run at startup, or the MBAM folks here can send you a registry import that will set MBAM Pro active protection to start a couple of minutes after Windows startup.

    Or, there is a standalone utility called WinPatrol (currently v 17) that includes a feature that allows one to set any application to a delayed start.

    Anyway, MBAM Pro 1.44 active protection seems to work just fine alongside McAfee, at least on this particular platform and with the current software versions.

    AND, MBAM Pro has been FAR more "protective", having blocked several real malicious IP attacks that the McAfee FW didn't even notice.

    I feel much safer with it running in the background.

    Hope this helps,


  8. It's not an F/P, and more curiously, I can't reproduce it.

    The IP belongs to exelator.biz/.com. This company is involved in tracking etc, and was recently implicated in malvertisements and click fraud (though this was likely their "customers" fault rather than theirs), for example;


    I've seen nothing from them that's malicious, over the past couple of weeks however, so I'll get the IP removed.

    The Capital One site itself is perfectly safe. This loading likely came from advertisements on the page.


    That scared the pajamas off me.

    FWIW, I tried browsing to the CapitalOneDirect website again, and it happened again (and again).

    I did try to notify the "webmaster" (though there was no specific contact info for this) by sending an email to their fraud department, but I don't expect to hear back.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    (FWIW I just finished a deep MBAM scan, which picked up nothing, and my (worthless) McAfee Security Center (which never detects nothing) did not pick up anything at all (worrisome, as usual).)



  9. Hello:

    MBAM Pro just blocked IP

    At the time, I was online (FF 3.6) at Capital One Direct Banking ( looking at some of their online banking options.

    The exact URL was:


    (I was not logged in, had not entered any personal information, nor was my browser hijacked or subject to any other apparent redirect.)

    Needless to say, before I even consider opening an account, I need to know if this was a FP, a real intrusion attempt from this IP, or a coincidence.



  10. Same problem here at the moment, although a couple of hours ago I updated without a prob.

    Looks like a temporary hiccup.

    Same problem here, as well (both systems, so I know it's not my computer(s).)

    Have verified that IE is set to "automatically detect settings" (though that wasn't necessary before this started).

    Will wait before doing any reg edits, since the problem seems to be at MB's end.


  11. It's not an F/P I'm afraid.

    I'd strongly urge you to have your machine checked as this range contains a plethora of malicious content.

    Hi, Steven:

    Hmmmmm, well that's very strange.

    I've been infection-free on this machine forever, and practice very safe computing.

    Daily scans with McAfee (yeah, I know, it's not the best, but it was OEM), Counterspy and MBAM have been clean.

    I use a pretty tight firewall (and a hardware firewall), don't visit odd sites, don't use P2P, don't download videos or music, use FF rather than IE, etc.

    I am always fully patched.

    I have not experienced any strange behavior.

    And this was an IP block only -- no pests.

    The *only* thing to note is that for the past 2 weeks McAfee has had "server" issues with their DAT file servers (too complicated to explain here).

    This was global, and continued off and on for nearly 2 weeks before it was resolved.

    Makes me wonder about some sort of hacking or other problem.

    When you say "have my machine checked", can you please be more specific about what you mean????

    I am about to run a deep scan with MBAM and then Counterspy.

    I can certainly install another standalone AV/AM (SuperAntiSpyware or Spyblaster or AVG), but aside from that (and aside from contacting AVERT), what else should I do???

    This is a first for me. :) :)

    Please advise, and thanks!


  12. HELP!

    I just opened Adobe Acrobat 9.3 (fully patched) on my Win7 Pro (32) laptop running MBAM Pro 1.44 and got the attached (screenshot) error message when I clicked on the "open file" icon (IOW, the GUI opens, but I cannot open any files). :):)

    I tried turning off MBAM protection module, to no avail.

    MBAM defs are current (3603), and all scans (as recent as last night) are clean.

    FWIW, I do not have this problem on the desktop which is also running MBAM Pro 1.44 and Acrobat 9.3.

    Why is it looking for this invalid file path and treating the MBAM exe file like a document?????

    Please help -- this is my work computer and I really need Acrobat functional!!


    I'm sorry - in my haste, I failed to be clear.

    I am not trying to open the file specified in the path in the error message.

    I am clicking on thefolder icon in the toolbar that one uses to open files from the GUI. (see attached)



  13. HELP!

    I just opened Adobe Acrobat 9.3 (fully patched) on my Win7 Pro (32) laptop running MBAM Pro 1.44 and got the attached (screenshot) error message when I clicked on the "open file" icon (IOW, the GUI opens, but I cannot open any files). :):)

    I tried turning off MBAM protection module, to no avail.

    MBAM defs are current (3603), and all scans (as recent as last night) are clean.

    FWIW, I do not have this problem on the desktop which is also running MBAM Pro 1.44 and Acrobat 9.3.

    Why is it looking for this invalid file path and treating the MBAM exe file like a document?????

    Please help -- this is my work computer and I really need Acrobat functional!!


  14. Hi, Ron:

    Thanks for writing.

    Can you possibly elaborate on that?

    And why would 1 system start a 9:00 scan at 9:00, while the other one starts it 9:05?

    (Yes, they are 2 different computers, different OS, but isn't the "time" the "time"?)

    Sorry, I'm just such a computer dolt, I don't understand. But I like to try... :)


    I hope I didn't confuse anyone with my explanation of the problem -- I'm not talking about a delay at startup.

    I'm talking about the *scheduled* scan that started on time on 1 system, but 5 minutes late on the other.

    Sorry if I misspoke.


  15. Hello:

    Scheduled scan on 1 of 2 machines started 5 minutes late tonight.

    Upgraded from MBAM Free 1.44 to Pro a day or so ago.

    Aside from having to disable the "load at startup" b/c of conflicts with my security suites, MBAM is working fine. (I just manually start the protection module after the systems boot.)

    Tonight, just to monitor the auto scans to make sure everything was working OK, I had both computers booted up and idle. Updates were current (v. 3600).

    At precisely 9 PM, the laptop displayed the MBAM GUI, and ran a clean Quick Scan. Scan log file saved to appropriate folder.

    On the desktop, however, 9 PM came and went.

    In fact, at 9:03 I opened my browser to start a thread here about auto scan not running, when at 9:05, the GUI opened and the Quick Scan ran to completion. It, too, was clean and the log file was saved to the correct location.

    This is a fairly new (~ 1 year old) system and the clock and battery are both fine.

    Task scheduler is set to run "Automatic".

    There were no other major applications running (aside from my firewall/AV running in the background).

    So, what might account for the tardy start of a scheduled scan 5 minutes later than it was set to begin?

    Should I be concerned?

    Could this be caused by some other process running in the background, even though CPU usage was hardly noticeable?

    Thanks all, for your patience and expert advice -- I'm still getting to know your software and how it runs on my systems,


  16. if you cant get it to install, you can start a new thread if you like.

    Hi, FF:

    OK, the upgrade went OK and it works fine, so long as I do not enable active protection at startup.

    I wait for everything to boot (and for WISE and Windows to phone home for updates), and then start active protection.

    I'll probably stick with this setup for now.

    If it becomes too onerous, I'll either get the registry import from DT500 (Arthur?) or try WinPatrol 17.

    On the desktop that runs McAfee, I'm doing the same thing for now, since I assume (perhaps mistakenly) that I'll run into the same startup conflict.

    All of which begs the question: Is anyone at MB considering adding a configuration option to the active protection settings that would allow the user to select something other than YES or NO for "run at startup", e.g. "start active protection _ minutes after startup"?

    (Just a thought from a totally computer-inept old geezer...)



  17. OMG, stupid me remove it from quarantine, how can i get bak the registry key :) the uninstall list now is totally ...

    Hi, Eastworm:

    I'm not the expert and I'm new to MBAM, but you should be able to open the MBAM GUI/dashboard, click the Quarantine tab, select the item and click the restore button.

    I don't think you'll have to reboot before checking to be sure your uninstall list is working again.

    If you created a Windows System Restore point before quarantining the item, you could restore back to that point, as well.

    Be sure to update your MBAM definitions and rescan afterwards (I had no problem after they quickly updated the defs when they learned of the FP).

    If what I suggest doesn't work, you might want to wait for the experts to reply!

    Good luck,


  18. Hi, daledoc1. If you're uneasy making registry changes, the very useful program WinPatrol will let you set delayed startups very easily. You can set the delay to be anything you like. WinPatrol comes in both a free and a commercial version. I think both versions offer the delayed startup feature. Thus, you can give the freeware version a try, and if you like it, you may eventually opt for the PLUS version. The PLUS version offers you a lot of helpful information about what's in your startup menu and whether you really need it or can safely disable or remove a program. Also, the plus version can be used on all your computers, and once you pay for it, you never have to pay for any updates. I should add that I have no connection to the company--I just like the program a LOT.

    Hi, WMW:


    I checked out WinPatrol 17 and it looks great!

    The delayed startup function looks like *just* what I need (esp since I think I can use it for the supergrande all-in-one printer drivers/software that take a while to load & slow my boot time).

    Thanks for the tip!


  19. daledoc1, if it was a SCHEDULED quick scan that started on its own at the time you selected, you will see appear and run the scan. Once the scan is complete it will close on its own and thats that.

    I believe that if the Scheduled quick scan did find and infection, the gui will stay open with the results so that you can then click on Show Results and then Remove the selected infections found.

    Hope that answers your question if not let us know.


    I hadn't thought of that!

    How stupid of me! :)

    This was the first "scheduled" scan I had run on either machine.

    And it didn't dawn on me that what I was used to seeing with a manual scan wouldn't apply to a scheduled scan.

    I think my brain is more than little fried tonight (the world of McAfee consumers has been dealing with a 3-day-long DAT file update debacle since Saturday (don't ask!), so I am mentally exhausted).

    I think I should probably quit while I'm ahead and get off the computer for a few hours.

    Sorry for the trouble and for being so "high-maintenance" for the past week. :)

    Once I gain a little familiarity with your program (and how it runs on my computers), I'll disappear into the fog. :)

    Thanks, Firefox!



  20. Hello:

    This is really weird!

    Chief Complaint (as we say in medicine):

    After a scan, the GUI disappeared and the scan log txt window never appeared.

    A few days ago, I installed MBAM FREE 1.44 on my desktop PC (Vista Ult SP2 (32)) running OEM McAfee Security Center (VirusScan 13 and Security Center 9, Firewall, Anti-Spam, Parental Controls (which I don't use)).

    It was working fine: GUI opens fine, updates fine, scans fine (multiple clean quick and 1 clean deep scan in past few days (except the FP earlier today). No conflicts w/McAfee.

    Tonight, I upgraded to PRO, which seemed to go fine. McAfee asked for program permission (even though permissions for FREE were already set), and update check went fine.

    I was not able to specifically exclude the SYS and REF files from the McAfee FW/AV b/c I could not view them (even with hidden files set to view) and bc/ I don't think McAfee allows the user to do so.

    I did NOT enable "protect @ startup" b/c I've had indications from folks at McAfee that there might be a conflict.

    I manually enabled active protection, and had no problems.

    (The only test I haven't performed yet is a system reboot.)

    I ran a SCHEDULED quick scan a few minutes ago to see if that function would work.

    The GUI opened, the scan ran fine to completion (~ 5 min), and then.................

    1) The GUI disappeared and

    2) The scan log text window that usually appears after a scan never appeared (even though there *is* a log file for it in the appropriate folder).

    I was/am able to re-open MBAM from the desktop shortcut, and I received no error messages.

    And the program does not seem to have crashed in any way.

    It seems to be a display issue of some kind.

    (System specs are below in my sig -- this is the Dell XPS 420, not the laptop.)

    Could this have something to do with my not being able to specifically exclude those MBAM DLL and SYS and REF files?

    Darn! :)

    Please advise!

    Thanks much in advance!


  21. That is what the delay registry fix is for that GT500 offered you. It will delay the load of MBAM on it's own and after a set amount of time will automatically then load it. Normally most systems are okay with about a 2 minute delay.

    Hi, Ron:

    OK, thanks.

    Yes, it would need a bit of delay on WISE -- it runs an internal program "scan" and check for updates when it loads, so I'd want to get all that done before starting the MBAM protection.

    From what you're describing, that value could be set to anything (within reason)? Or is it fixed at 2 minutes?

    Let me think about it -- I'm generally pretty squeamish about editing the REG (largely b/c I'm pretty much of a computer dolt).

    I think I'll just manually start MBAM after booting for a while and see how that goes.



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