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  1. that is the newest one according to their website. I however am not going to use it. I spent to much time already. It could be any combinations of drivers windows updates who knows what triggered this. It is just awfully funny after using this great program for years that it happens after a windows update 2 times to me now. Either one works or the other does not. There were a lot of updates in December and to go through each one would be very time consuming. I hope they figure out whats going on here.
  2. I reloaded all updates and no problems till I installed malware premium again.
  3. I not even going to reactivate mine until they fix this issue. windows 7 premium with Norton. It sounds like they December windows update clashed with malware premium
  4. I am thinking you might be right on target. mine started freezing up after windows 7 December updates
  5. mine did the same thing. I lost track of how many hours I spent repairing. I thought my computer was trashed. I hope they iron this out.
  6. I have used malwarebytes premium for years. 12-20-2018 my computer keyboard and mouse and internet would freeze and not work requiring a hard boot. After thinking it was a windows update I did a system image and it worked good for a couple of hours. I finally did a fresh install of windows and all of my programs and re-configured e-mail, the whole 9 yards. I then de-activated malwarebytes and reloaded it with a fresh install of everything. To my surprise after about 3-4 hours it did the same thing again. I almost bought a new computer thinking I had faulty hardware. [IT WAS THIS PROGRAM] Now I am afraid to use it again. I am worried that it will leave trace corruption of the program even if it is uninstalled if I have more problems. I have spent many many hours just to find out it was a program that is supposed to help the end users. I know the last update for this program was 3.5.1. For some reason it did not jive with windows 7 December updates from Microsoft.. I could not do anything on this computer unless I went to safe mode and even that was acting buggy at best. It has been about 3 days now with no malwarebytes installed and no problems. ??????
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