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  1. Hello, finally some positive news. After excluding folders from the Anti Virus with no results, I decided to exclude the same folders from the firewall, but still no result. Then yet again, I removed MB using the tool from before and installed the latest version. This time it worked, have left it for 24 hours and just booted up, all working as it should be. Thank you for your time and patience. Best Wishes, Steve Jackson.
  2. Hello Porthos, have done as you suggested with excluding above folders. Still no web protection. Thanks for help so far.
  3. Any news yet ? I still cannot get WEB PROTECTION to turn on after clean install. Thanks in advance. mb-check-results.zip FRST.txt Addition.txt
  4. Hello, as requested, zip file enclosed. Thanks for your time. mb-check-results.zip
  5. Same problem here. Have done as suggested , but no change. Totally uninstalled with Mbytes tool and installed latest version. Nothing succeeds with starting WEB PROTECTION.
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