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Everything posted by sman

  1. - Quote Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new piece of malware that uses a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image to hide malicious code. The malware is distributed by email in a clean PDF, which includes a link to a .zip file that contains the malicious image, along with other files. This type of attack is not new, but is similar to previously observed attacks where cybercriminals distribute .exe or .zip files that contain a .pdf extension in the filename. While the attack technique is not new, the delivery method is, revealing that bad actors are doing their best to find new ways to ensure their malicious code goes undetected by anti-virus products. Last year, information-stealing malware Stegoloader, which caused havoc among North American healthcare organizations, was also observed using a PNG image file to hide its main module. The image file was downloaded using a hardcoded URL in the initial payload and was automatically decompressed and decrypted to execute the malware and infect the compromised computer. In this new scenario, Kaspersky's Thiago Marques explains that attackers have moved beyond simple phishing attacks and attempted to hide the malicious payload in encrypted files that have a known file format, to avoid raising user suspicion. - Unquote read on in http://www.securityweek.com/brazilian-trojan-conceals-malicious-code-png-image
  2. - Quote Researchers at ESET have discovered a sophisticated data-stealing USB Trojan that leaves no trace on the compromised system and includes a self-protection mechanism that makes it difficult to detect, copy and analyze. The threat, dubbed by the security firm “USB Thief,” has been spotted on USB devices in the wild. One aspect that makes it stand out from other USB malware families is that each copy is bound to a single USB drive. Unlike other USB threats that leverage autorun and shortcut files to get executed, USB Thief relies on the fact that users often store portable versions of Firefox, NotePad++, TrueCrypt and other popular applications on USB sticks. According to ESET, the malware injects itself into the execution chain of such applications by posing as a plugin or a DLL file. When a victim launches the targeted app from an infected USB drive, the Trojan is also executed in the background. - Unquote read the rest in http://www.securityweek.com/sophisticated-usb-trojan-spotted-wild
  3. Oh.. Tks..I'll check the settings..
  4. No autostart here and moreover have TV covered by MBAE, so if any run, will trigger protection alert by MBAE, so will know if TV were to run.. Only thing to track is the activity during the TV session (which is used for only any system troubleshooting purpose), and that no suspicious activity takes place.. But how to check it is the question, will the logs give complete activity list?? TIA..
  5. A very long shot.. but will there not be logs of any such attempts and alerts about it and necessity for TV to be running to accept external connectivity (with session password), and unclear if it is not running, can it be said that the user is safe?? Edit - also what about need for id, which is specific to the system?
  6. - Quote Users on BleepingComputer report TeamViewer is abused to install ransomware on computers. Although it’s unclear how the cyber criminals gain access to TeamViewer, the login to the computer and the activation of the ransomware is clearly visible in TeamViewer’s logs. It might be possible that hackers gain access by bruteforcing passwords, abusing zero-day vulnerabilities or by resetting passwords through email addresses obtained by other hacks. Whatever method they use, once they have access to the computer they upload a file to the desktop called surprise.exe. This is the actual ransomware which encrypts files and adds the extension .surprise. - Unquote read the rest in http://www.myce.com/news/teamviewer-abused-install-ransomware-computers-78947/?utm_content=buffer790d6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  7. Nice, the legacy is being passed on..
  8. Tks to your views @David, @John .. you have certainly woken me up to prepare things ready for any eventuality.. Thanks once again..
  9. If upgrade state is the problem, maybe a 'clean install' might be needed which in the absence of any other issues hav'nt had the need / necessity for.. Tks @AS..
  10. While I was trying to edit the youtube video's posted in 'What I'm listening to' was locked out and was asked to try out after 15 mins..? Why was it so?
  11. Bluetooth still remains problematic in Win 10, (which find many users also seem to have problem with) and have to re-boot to the earlier Windows version (which I'm in multi-boot with) to do the required functions.. I hav'nt tried checking out the drivers, as I feel that P&P (Plug & Play mode) ought to take care of it automatically.. Any views, please? TIA..
  12. the media got repeated and removed..
  13. First of all on the forum's new look, must say more attached to the earlier look, due to it's concise in a bird's eye-view.. Now, on Trusteer, in Edge & IE it was eternal refresh to browse any page and un-installing Trusteer, brought normalcy back.. Already FF has conflicts with Trusteer and yet to support it in it's latest versions.. So, this is a change of mind on 'Trusteer', which I do hope helps.. EDIT : sorry, read as 'disabled', I've still not un-installed it, but 've it disabled..
  14. Gracias.. A very catchy one indeed.. Thank you, David..
  15. Certainly, I too not in favor of Windows in general (as stated in many of my posts) and keep shifting between Windows & Non-windows working.. As to WIn10, I again re-iterate that I was an early bird to upgrade hours even before the official Win 10 release and I use it under 'Multi-boot' with earlier Windows.. So far, hav'nt had any problems, but concerns about the security, is what drives me away to Non-windows options.. So, this is just to make things clear.. Tks..
  16. Whether one likes it or not, Win 10 is here to stay.. By availing the free upgrade offer to Win 10, one can still go back to Win 7/8.1 and keep the Win 10 option on hand, when Win 7/8.1 support ends.. One must remember this and avail the offer before it ends this July..
  17. Thanks Ron.. You've also echoed what I was thinking along.. It's mind boggling & discouraging to computing, with the numerous attack vectors to be kept in check.. More than anything, I think, dedicated system, safe hex, restricting traffic to only whitelisted/trusted sites, etc. may only help for any sensitive usage.. May be also with hardware/software locks to go with.. I'm even thinking about, dumping routers and for other options to networking with dedicated connections.. Call it paranoia, but the dangers of online computing makes one really wary.. Though not the end of the world, the fact is, it is the flip side of technology..
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