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  1. Just found these with the adware scanner.. are they ok to remove? wasnt sure it being registry HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Children\001\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\nicepage.com PUP.Optional.Legacy HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Children\001\Internet Explorer\EdpDomStorage\nicepage.com
  2. I found 2 in my registry ,, wondering if its safe to clean and repair....
  3. I was gonna be a smarta** but all I can do is smh at the idiots that didn't catch this.. thanks for the heads up. I've use winRaR alot..
  4. Did the best I could with sending report... and read the link you posted... I'm not liking the fact Google is spying and selling our info... thanks MAM
  5. Hey MAM, I apologize I searched the entire site for anything related to admob.. Will go read it now. And if you can explain how to send those reports when it's not malewarbtyes flagging, I'd be happy to do so. Thank you
  6. Avl... not AGO..LOL.. sorry I've been trying to get my Note 5 ph and chromebook straight for a couple weeks now.. I'm too the point to just wioe and restore lol
  7. Malwarebyted is not picking them up.. AGO is flagging them and it's several... I had 13 apps the 1st time and now it flags 1-3 perscan... thereis definitely some activity going on. I'm not sure at this point if it's an intruder and service workers or just service workers.. I caught 7 workers in my account day before yesterday.
  8. I keep getting hits on my system files for a "malware" called Ads admob.. by AVL scanner.. and malwarebytes isn't find giving any kind of warning.
  9. I know if nothing else they are low level threats... they are supoosed to be just log files that I zip.d. But be careful a couple looked liked .app Anyone care to take a look. I really am beginning to dislike Google alot... thanks.. I have a couple more but I reached my upload limit cache.zip com.google.android.apps.zip com.android.zip
  10. The scanner show premium on both of my devices but when I try to register my license online it will not work. Can anyone help? I'm using a note 5 and a Samsung 3 chromebook.
  11. yes same dll error... but as I was trying to run test a thought hit me. Can it be bc I have got my windows vista completely back up to date? Using SP1 SP2 is awaiting reboot. Will do that and try again.
  12. Hey guys thanks, sorry for delay been doing the holiday thing with the kiddo. PBust, I got if from the forum. I was getting alot.of outgoing traffic pops blocked and came to the forum to research. I've used MBAM for several yrs thought I'd try the MBAE. Been having a lot of intrusion issues and my MBAM along w AVG was hijacked. Did a system wipe and rewrote HHD. Trying to make sure everything is safe now. Will check to see if still get error. One minute.
  13. I saved and ran test file in my system but I didnt get 2 options only a run option and then my avast kept detecting it even with added to exclusions. then disabled the avast and I get this error message application failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found,. Re-installing application may fix this problem. I have attempted this 4-5 times and same thing everytime.
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