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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. I think that I've heard that one before.
  2. woohoo that's awesome!! Go your team/country! (I apologize, I am not sure which is competing for this, a team or a country).
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you too and to everyone here!
  4. For those of you who use or who have used Avira, I just want to make sure that I have the right setting here. First I had the scan job (this is under "available profiles" when you are setting up or editing the scan job) on local hard drives (I believe that this is the default). I just changed it to Complete system scan Edit: I changed it back to local hard drives until I know what's best Is one better than the other? Which one do you recommend having the scan job set to? It also looks as though the scan jobs were not carried out on the two days I had them set to, so I changed the time for that to happen, since the computer may not have been on at that time. All updates have been getting through just fine, though Including the huge one from last week Anything else that I should know about setting up the schedules of the updater and/or the scan?
  5. @Zaphod You're welcome! Oh, okay, I wasn't quite sure. I didn't want to assume. I'll edit my other post to reflect that.
  6. See if this might help http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=29158
  7. Sweet, thanks Exile. I'll be looking for it at one of those places then! No internet downloads of the game for me
  8. Oh sweet I wanna play it but don't really know a safe source. I could probably buy it on CD maybe actually if its for sale in a department store or something I'll look next time I am at one.
  9. @ Raid Ah, I see. Well, singing to yourself isn't so bad, hehe. Ah yes, good idea to see what sounds are normal and which ones are not. Once in a while I shut off the music too and listen to the car to make sure things sound normal
  10. @ Marcus I like to have music on while I am doing other things too, but I haven't done this as much lately as I used to in the past I just recently started listening to iTunes while I was on the computer; I haven't used the program much really in over a year or more, so I kinda forgot about it (other than keeping it updated). I mostly just use(d) it to organize my iPod, hehe. I like it quiet when I am reading too. I've tried listening to instrumental music before whilst reading, but that doesn't usually work out very well. I kinda like loud-ish music, but it can't be too loud, and if its in the car, it definitely can't be too loud. I am very careful with how loud music is and loud noises, I like having my hearing intact, hehe Thanks for the URL; I'll check it out next time I have a chance!
  11. @ Raid Sweet! Music is awesome, and it can be listened to while doing a variety of different things. Gak, it's such a pain when the radio/stereo in motor vehicles die/don't work correctly. I almost always have the stereo on when I am driving.
  12. You're welcome Marcus! Sure, I'll let you know waht I think. I just had a thought, I could get it off iTunes and give it a try, after all, the songs are only 99 cents Thanks, I will have a listen!
  13. hi Marcus! Oh awesome! I'll do a search on them online and maybe see if I can get a sample song clip to play in iTunes or something. Ah, I see. As long as you are happy, that is what matters I hope you get some much-needed rest soon
  14. @ Marcus We're a music loving bunch here I see! I've never heard of that band or the song, but it sounds cute aw, how come you are up so late (or should I say early)? I am going to sleep soon.
  15. sweet! I love House!!! :) I'm listening to iTunes again... hehe. And of course am on the Forum.
  16. No, sending messages is not only for paid users If you are running into that problem, perhaps someone you are trying to PM (private message) has disabled PM's or their mailbox could be full or nearly full.
  17. That's okay, no need to apologize lol I know what you mean about reading everything. I do that sometimes in a thread or on a page with info, or I'll click on links within that page to read other articles or articles on the same information, or if that page has a lot of info, I'll read it all, and same thing, I'll be like oh man uh oh I just spent way too much time on there, lol
  18. Thanks! You don't need to go to the trouble of doing that for me though; I'll figure it out next time I'm using iTunes Edit: Thanks for the link, Exile
  19. Thanks Exile I knew you didn't use it, but I wasn't sure if you might know more about it than what you already told me.
  20. oh! Thanks I'll make sure that its turned off, then. I'm sure I can figure it out
  21. Uh, I am not sure what that is though, lol. I mean, I know what the library is, but I dunno how or what it would be auto-updating. Yeah, I check pretty frequently for updates on things, hehe. Hey, I'm not the only paranoid one around here
  22. Do you mean the autoupdate for the program itself or for the library? I should turn the checker off, as I do check myself, but the autochecker does help remind me if I forget I am not sure how to turn it off for the library if that is what you mean for sure. I'm not actually quite sure what the library would be updating? Yeah, I think its already turned off because like you said my music is still there. I'd be quite ticked if it was not, especially since I don't even know every song I have on there.
  23. I second Zaphods post where he says... Also, if a message with his suggestion or something similar to it in wording was shown somewhere along the line prior to adding the IP address to the block, that would be good. That way someone cannot try and hold Malwarebytes liable for any damage that may occur as a result of un-blocking a malicious IP address
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