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Everything posted by JeanInMontana

  1. The log from Panda was not complete for some reason but that's ok. Please go here http://www.symantec.com/security_response/...-030710-2610-99 Printout the instructions for the tool and use it then post a new log. Also post just like you did copy and paste it not as an attachment. It is much easier to compare logs when they are all in the thread. Did you run the AVG AntiSpyware?
  2. Yes move the installed program HiJack This! to a folder of it's own. Zango is separate, yes, you have several things going on. We will address one at a time. Next goal get a antivirus scan. You might have to do it in safe mode, but it is going to get rid of the worm you have because it is an old infection and all current AV's will remove it I'm sure. We will have a fix for the AVSystemcare soon. So just to be clear, run AV scan and AVG antispyware. Then reboot and post a new log after you have moved HJT to it's own folder on C. Any questions please ask. Communication is key to fixing "stuff".
  3. All you need to do is design a new logo and banner for hpHosts. Thats it, nothing more! You can submit as many or as few entries as you like. Once the closing date is reached, I and the other admin's/moderators shall choose the winning entry. The person that submitted the winning entry shall be notified of this via PM, and provided the prize directly from Eset themselves!. Only once the winner has been notified, shall their nickname (or name if you wish) be published (unless you request otherwise). The Prize The prize is a single user licence for NOD32, graciously provided by Eset The Rules To keep things simple, there's only two ....... 1. Entrants MUST be registered on this forum (entries submitted elsewhere or via e-mail, shall be invalidated). You don't even have to be an hpHosts user! 2. Your entry MUST include both a logo AND banner (entries containing only one of these, shall be invalidated) Submitting Your Entry To submit your entry simply reply to this thread, attaching your entries. Closing Date: Saturday June 30th
  4. Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes. What have you done so far? You don't have any Anti Virus program at all. This is your main problem. You have the Zango Tool bar for one thing and you need to get rid of it. Look in Add/Remove programs for Zango or 180 solutions. Uninstall all instances. You need to move HJT to a folder you create on your C drive. C:\HJT this is where all backups will go should you need them. Get this up date, and run a full system scan remove everything it finds and save the log and post it in this thread please. Also get the Anti Virus program from this same site and update it and run a full system scan. The anti virus is free, the anti-spy/adware will run for 30 days with full functionability. Once you have ran both scans reboot and post a new HJT log in this thread.
  5. Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes. Please follow the directions here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1295 and do post a new HJT log with that version of the program, mentioned. No reply edit to add: see this please
  6. Cool. General rule of thumb with beta problems is you will need to deal via the beta developer. The problems are why there are testers and it really isn't your system at all. People not in on the beta testing simply won't know how to help you.
  7. Well, I'm sorry but you have given little or no information. What language are we talking about here? Where did you get the game from? Who recommended you disable SLi? Are you a beta tester for this game? I would think you should find support through them for game bugs.
  8. The link gives this error message
  9. OK the log looks clean. You do need to update Java for security reasons and also your Adobe Acrobat Reader is outdated. Be sure to hit the Windows update site also. If you are no longer experiencing problems I will close this thread soon, if you need further help, please give details as to what is happening.
  10. Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes. Run a scan only with HJT and put a check in the box next to this item: O22 - SharedTaskScheduler: auditioned - {44e670f2-d57b-4815-a576-955d17dbbf2d} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\eeuydc.dll Then click fix. You also need to update your Java Run Time Environment to version 1.6.U1 Reboot and post a new log.
  11. Hi Fanai welcome to Malwarebytes. Please follow the directions here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1295 and do post a log so we can be sure you don't have anything else.
  12. Forgive me but I need some traffic. LOL I am still under construction but members are motivation Montana Menagerie Come on over and have a look around!
  13. Very true, and then we can go down the false positive trail. LMAO all sorts of things you don't have but are told you do. That reminds me I must submit a file for scanning to a few places. VirusBlokAda32 said I had a trojan! Supposedly in my Firefox cache. I want to know if this is for real.
  14. Have you opened the audio control panel and checked to make sure everything is on? Every once in a while mine will get checked to mute somehow. I don't do it but it has happened more than once. I also have an emachine, different model but maybe it is something they do.
  15. That's a whole new story. Those are all reputable programs. But that is kind of my point. You have to use all those others to be sure your actually clean. Glad your doing it though.
  16. CounterSpy has had some problems with causing major crashes of systems and it takes an hour to run a scan. I don't know how you can say you don't have any malware though when your using a program that could very well be missing stuff.
  17. I strongly suggest you post another log. You have evidence of the Vundo trojan in the HJT log. Let's get you clean.
  18. Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes. Please follow the directions here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...post&p=3426 . You have some other stuff too so be sure to post another HJT log so we can fix it.
  19. Closed due to lack of response. PM a mod to reopen if you still need help.
  20. I certainly want real time protection for all malware these days. CounterSpy protects against registry changes and additions to the startup list. So does WinPatrol and I use that also.
  21. Ten days and no response, I'm closing this. King_Puck should you decide to resume the fix, PM me and I will reopen the thread.
  22. You are not trouble free I'm sorry to tell you. First you need to place HiJack This! into a folder of it's own you create on your hard drive. Your running it from a temp folder now and that is not good. Get a copy of AVG AntiSpyware update it and run a full system scan, let it remove anything it finds, follow the steps below. 1. Once you have downloaded ewido anti-spyware, locate the icon on the desktop and double-click it to launch the set up program. 2. Once the setup is complete you will need run ewido and update the definition files. 3. On the main screen select the icon "Update" then select the "Update now" link. * Next select the "Start Update" button, the update will start and a progress bar will show the updates being installed. 4. Once the update has completed select the "Scanner" icon at the top of the screen, then select the "Settings" tab. 5. Once in the Settings screen click on "Recommended actions" and then select "Quarantine". 6. Under "Reports" * Select "Automatically generate report after every scan" * Un-Select "Only if threats were found" Scan instructions 1. Launch AVG-anti-spyware by double-clicking the icon on your desktop. 2.Select the "Scanner" icon at the top and then the "Scan" tab then click on "Complete System Scan". AVG will now begin the scanning process, be patient this may take a little time. 3.Once the scan is complete do the following: If you have any infections you will prompted, then select "Apply all actions" 4. Next select the "Reports" icon at the top. 5. Select the "Save report as" button in the lower left hand of the screen and save it to a text file on your system (make sure to remember where you saved that file, this is important). 6. Post that log (it will be long). Then run a new HJT scan and post that log here also.
  23. I should have left out the word removal in my post and just said it is not a desirable program, period. Most definitely not for realtime protection. That is when you want something that is known to work and do it's job. Spyware Terminator hasn't got this reputation at all. Don't take my comments personally adchia they are not aimed at you and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. @Xenophope CounterSpy is good and I have been running Prevx1 on my laptop, sense I won a copy in the CastleCops Anniversay contest, I find it to be impressive also.
  24. Spyware Terminator is not the best choice for a removal program. It is former rogue and not even in the running among reputable programs.
  25. Like I said it's working fine today. I don't know what happened with those two posts. Thanks Andy.
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