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Possible Malware?

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Hi max_vader, :)


My name is Valinorum and I will be the acolyte today. Before we proceed, please, acknowledge yourself the following(s):

  • Please do not create any new threads on this while we are working on your system as it wastes another volunteer's time. If you are being helped/have solved the issue/no longer wish to continue, notify me in your reply and I will quickly close this thread. Failing to comply will result in denial of future assistance.
  • Please do not install any new software while we are working on this system as it may hinder our process.
  • Malware removal is a complicated process so don't stop following the steps even if the symptoms are not found. Keep up with me until I declare you clean.
  • Please do not try to fix anything without being ask.
  • Please do not attach your logs or put them inside code/quote tags. Do a Copy/Paste of the entire contents of the log file and submit it inside your post unless directed otherwise.
  • Please print or save the instructions I give you for quick reference. We may be using Safe mode which will cut you off from internet and you will not always be able to access this thread.
  • Back up your data. I will not knowingly suggest your any course that might damage your system but sometimes Malware infections are so severe that only option we have is to re-format and re-install the operating system.
  • If you are confused about any instruction, stop and ask. Do not keep on going.
  • Do not repeat the steps if you face any problems.
  • I am not an omniscient. There are things even I cannot foresee. But what I know took years to learn and perfect the skill. This site is run by volunteers who help people in need in their own free time. I would ask you to respect their time and be patient as sometimes real life demands our time and replies to you can be delayed.
  • Private Message(PM) if and only if I have not responded to your thread within three days or your query is offtopic and personal. Do not PM me under any other circumstances. Your thread is the only medium of communication.
  • The fixes are for your system only. Please refrain from using these fixes on other system as it may do serious damage.

Please provide myself a screen-shot of the task manager.

  • Step #1 Scan with Farbar Recovery Scan Tool
    • Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool by Farbar to your Desktop from the link below.

      Download link for 32 bit system

      Download link for 64 bit system

    • Right-click on the program and choose Run as administrator;
    • Put tick-mark on all boxes under Whitelist and Optional Scan;
    • Click on Scan;
    • After the scan two notepad files will be opened --
      • FRST.txt;
      • Addition.txt
    • Copy and Paste the contents of the logs in your next reply.

  • Required Log(s):
    • Farbar Tool Log(s)--
      • FRST.txt
      • Addition.txt


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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help. :)

If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this thread with your request. This applies only to the originator of this thread.

Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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