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40 years of microprocessor development


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40 years of microprocessor development

Timeline: As Intel celebrates the 40th birthday of the 4004 chip, The INQUIRER looks at the key landmarks

By Daniel Robinson Tue Nov 15 2011, 08:00

ON THE OCCASION of the 40th anniversary of Intel's 4004 chip, The INQUIRER believes we have mapped the most significant PC microprocessor developments that have shaped our information technology landscape over the last four decades. The timeline we've come up with is below. µ


Source: http://www.theinquir...sor-development



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Nice. Reminds me of the good-old-days of AMD.

It is also nice to see AMD doing something useful with ATI. I'm not sure if AMD actually was the first to integrate a GPU into a CPU though, as Intel has Xeon chips with built-in video processors, and since they are in the 1200 series (socket 1155) then I'm pretty sure that it isn't brand new.

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