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Win32.zafi d


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  • Root Admin

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system if required

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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Hijack This is not running on the system. The virus is so deadly that its not even allowing me to visit any online virus scan website like http://www.housecall.antivirus.com. The same happens in safe mode with networking. Lemme repeat , MALWARE BYTES GETS DOWNLOADED FINE BUT DOES NOT UPDATE AND DOUBLE CLICKING THE EXECUTABLE DOES NOT RUN THE PROGRAM. I AM PRETTY SURE THAT THERE ARE SOME PROCESSES RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND THAT CAN DETECT THE PRESENCE OF THE EXECUTABLE AND ARE STOPPING IT FROM RUNNING. I WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW TO GO FROM HERE.

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  • Root Admin

Just a tip for Online etiquette - please do not post in ALL CAPITALS most sites frown on that.

Yes I understand your issue but you need to post a HJT log or a request for help in the forum I linked you to above.

Also when replying please use the ADDREPLY button and not the REPLY button.

Thanks again and look forward to your new post in the HJT forum. Please note though that all helpers are here on a volunteer basis and we do attempt to help users as quickly as possible but some times it can take a little while before a helper picks up your log and replies.

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