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PC won't boot


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Okay, I had had a problem with some malware ealier and got it removed with help from the people of this board. One of the programs that was used in the process was Defogger which disables all virtual drives. Since the malware was gone I decided to go ahead and re-enable all the stuff that got shut off by Defogger. It asked me to restart the computer when it finished and after that it just went to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I've gotten as far as to get Windows to attempt to repair, but has so far been unable to fix anything. I've tried system restore but that didn't work. Memory scans showed that there were no problems. I tried doing a repair from the Windows 7 disk and it said there were no problems, but every time I try to run the computer I get a BSOD after the initial starting windows screen goes away. The only other thing I can think to do is a clean install, but I figured I would lose everything on my hard drive if I did that so I decided to check here first. Is there anything that can be done? I would greatly appreciate any help.

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"...I had had a problem with some malware ealier and got it removed with help from the people of this board. One of the programs that was used in the process was Defogger which disables all virtual drives. Since the malware was gone I decided to go ahead and re-enable all the stuff that got shut off by Defogger."

a couple of questions (out of curiosity and for clarification) :

(1) : was the help you received in the HJT/malware removal section ?

(2) : were you given an "all clear , your machine is not infected" and then instructed by the individual helping you to enable the virtual drives ?

(3) : is this for a commercial/paid for subscription or free version of MBAM ?

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