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Mislabeled Post


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I posted a request for help in the "Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs" subforum under the title "Is It Safe?". The icon that appeared next to the title in the listing was a dark rectangle indicating there was a new reply, according to the icon legend below. As yet, there have been no replies. I noticed this earlier today, and began to write a note like this one, and then returned to the listing and saw that it changed to a the faded icon indicating no replies. I check later to see if there are any replies, and I notice it has the new replies icon again. I used my home computer for the first instance and am now checking from my work computer, so I dont think its a problem at my end.

I understand that I need to wait for a volunteer to offer assistance. My concern is that if a volunteer is looking over the posts to find someone waiting for a reply, that they will overlook my posting because of the incorrect icon.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


I checked the listing again, before posting this note, and see that the icon has changed to the correct faded icon. I wonder why it changes and worry that someones first viewing of the list will see the wrong icon next to my post.

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