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first of all: i'm new here, so i hope i'm in the correct section.

So i have windows xp, and since a few days, i have problems with conhost.exe. I always appears in the map c:\windows\temp.

I tried to remove it with malware, and he did remove it, but it always keeps coming back.

I tried to clean my registry, but it still returns.

i cleaned my registry a couple off times, and did several scans, but it always returns.

I noticed that my computer works fine as long as i don't go on the internet. But from the moment i go online, i have problems.

It uses a lots of memory, completely ruins my registry and mess with other programs. I don't have an explorer anymore, it won't start.

Could anyone please help me to remove this stubborn thing.

Sorry for my english, i know it isn't perfect. attach.zip

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