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01 hosts file redirection

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This is my first HijackThis submission, I ran the scan and received a message(in red text),before the scan completed:

01 Hosts File Redirection

A large white context box explained that access to the windows hosts file had been denied.

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium SP2, and keep getting the same problem report daily, since June:

Host Process for Windows Services Stopped working

And, of course, the "Problem Reports and Solutions" is no help whatsoever!

The solution they suggest is to update windows, which I already do, whenever available.

There are other problems,, but this one happens at least every day.

The event logs are crammed with warning and error codes, and I'm having zero luck with any of the windows help resources...

Malwarebytes scans clean(Pro Version), and HijackThis came highly recommended...

Hopefully somebody can make sense of this mess for me, here is the log:hijackthis_log_8222011.txt

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