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MalwareBytes *DEFINITELY* needs to add itself to VirusTotal.com

1000000s of new users would get to hear about MalwareBytes.

(Good for business)

1000000s of user would get valuable virus-checking.

(Good for everyone)

A better question is... why would MalwareBytes *NOT* already a part of VirusTotal.com.... long ago.

And it doesn't look promising that they will ever be.

Just month after month of "we are checking into it".

Please email info@VirusTotal.com TODAY.

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MalwareBytes *DEFINITELY* needs to add itself to VirusTotal.com

1000000s of new users would get to hear about MalwareBytes.

(Good for business)

1000000s of user would get valuable virus-checking.

(Good for everyone)

A better question is... why would MalwareBytes *NOT* already a part of VirusTotal.com.... long ago.

And it doesn't look promising that they will ever be.

Just month after month of "we are checking into it".

Please email info@VirusTotal.com TODAY.

Please be careful as this may be considered spam.

Note I'm not a staff member, but Malwarebytes is developed in Visual Basic a Microsoft language. Virus Total uses Linux/Unix malware scanners and such Malwarebytes would require being resigned from scratch,

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Please be careful as this may be considered spam.

Note I'm not a staff member, but Malwarebytes is developed in Visual Basic a Microsoft language. Virus Total uses Linux/Unix malware scanners and such Malwarebytes would require being resigned from scratch,

So how does it comes that SAS (and some other Windows-only scanners) are there? Does not VT use simulator for running those special customized (for VT) version of scanners?

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So how does it comes that SAS (and some other Windows-only scanners) are there? Does not VT use simulator for running those special customized (for VT) version of scanners?

They are Linux/Unix versions which are probably designed in C/C++ which is easier to create support for Linux/Unix as unlike Visual Basic the program does not have to rely on a single Operating System API. :)

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