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Very odd virus? Web-based

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A couple days ago a message was bounced back from 50 old emails that said they were undeliverable within a couple minutes of time. Interesting, and it's just one line saying to quickly visit a website. I googled information on it and the site link should not be loaded with a virus (although I won't check), since the site links change in every person's case online, although the quick one line of text stays the same and points them to all different websites. Without going to the website link in mine, I found out it's to a wine producers website in France.

Now I know everyone is thinking it must be a virus on the computer accessing it. Well, first off, it's being accessed on a mac, with no mail client, only web-based email login. I know a person could send it using my email to others, but these were people in my contact list. I know some will get ahold of forwarded emails and use the to and from fields there, but there were no mass forwards in the past to these people. It was within Hotmail, with the online messenger turned off and no other apps added. It seemed to be a one-time occurrence. The only conclusion I can come to is either the account was hacked or an email contained a security exploit that forwards the message to all those in the contact list upon viewing it.

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