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MBAM ver, blue screen

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1st test, both tested on Vista sp2 32bit

First MBAM ver, download/install/RB came via a double tap on the MBAM icon . The first time for the blue screen after signin, I removed mbamgui.exe via Taskmanger and then the desktop appeared in the normal mode.

2nd test

After dowloading/installing/rebooting (fromMajorgeeks) MBAM ver,, Signin on my computer, I got a blue screen for about 30 seconds and the desktop loaded slowly and my computer is running alright now with no problem and able to update to lastest DB

Can this be confirmed


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One of my clients upgraded the registered version to V1.51.0.1200 on their pc and blue screened with a bad pool header. I used Autoruns in safemode to disable Mbam from starting and the system booted normally. I used system restore to take system back prior updating where 1.46 was installed then downloaded from malwarebytes site updated the 1.46 and during the update, it installed the patch from 5/28/2011. When I clicked on the right clicked on the tray icon, Check for updates, it immediately blue screened with a bad pool header. booted to safemode and used system restore again to get system back to known good state.


A/V: Kaspersky Antivirus 2010

I've had a lot of issue with this release and have recommented my client NOT update to

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A/V: Kaspersky Antivirus 2010

I'm not an engineer, but BSOD would seem to be due to factors other than just MBAM.

In particular, I note that the system is running KAV2010.

KIS and KAV are particularly finicky about needing to set up the proper exclusions and permissions for MBAM.

Running an older version of KAV with the new version of MBAM **may** be part of the problem, but I seriously doubt it's the primary cause.

Moreover, KAV2010 is nearly EOL (limited support until Dec 2011): http://support.kaspersky.com/kav2010?level=2.

Newer KL products (2011 and the recently released 2012) are much more compatible with MBAM & typically run without conflicts.

If your client's hardware will support it, I would suggest cleanly uninstalling both MBAM and KAV2010, then cleanly upgrading to KAV2011 or KAV2012, & then reinstalling MBAM (taking care to set all the necessary permissions & exclusions). (Upgrades are free within a valid license period.)

(Also, if the client is running other 3rd-party security apps, such as SuperAntiSpyware, Spybot S&D & others, especially those with real-time protection, they may be contributing to the system instability when running KAV+MBAM. http://www.kaspersky.com/support/kav2010/install?qid=208280128)

Have you checked for BIOS and driver updates, as well as chkdsk for bad disk sectors, sfc SCANNOW, and other routine hardware/software diagnostics?

I'm sure the MBAM engineers & other members will have some additional, more expert advice.


daledoc1 (just a home user of both MBAM and KIS)

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