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I have no virus and I dont have that toolbar or program that starts with a "B" that installed searchqu which leads to search-results.com

I cant get rid of this from google chrome OR IE9. Somehow firefox stopped doing it.

Ive cleaned out everything using ATF, ive scanned in safemode with malwarebytes and avast.

Ive used TDKiller or whatever and it found nothing, same with GooredFix. Seriously how is this file doing it?

I've even swapped out the host file entirely. This is the most amazing hack i've had to deal with and reinstalling IE or Chrome did nothing.

Let me clarify I do not have that program installed but my chrome and IE lead to searchqu.com which immediately leads to search-results.com and I absolutely cannot get rid of it. It seems to have nothing installed on my computer but somehow its as if this is hardcoded into the software because I cant seem to find where to change it.

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