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Annoyed to the bone

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Ok hello im looking for support as my pc has been acting strange lately and with each day passing the thing gets worse i suppose its infected by some virus or whatever here are numerous symphonts

1. dependency -group service could not start (cant open msconfig and services and or any other files that i want to run as administrator it refuses everything

2. in task manager today i saw numerous programs with ridiculous descriptions and filenames i have never seen before and it has made internet explorer run in the background even thoug lately im prefering to use firefox

3. since internet explorer its safety mode was turned off and i tried alot to get it back on but failed

4. many bluescreens which makes the pc reboot

5. i cant quit windows vista anymore because if i choose to quit it decides to restart and i have to pull the electricity plug or laptop plug

6. at some points my vista bars will change into windows classic bars

I think that should about do it for now i have AV (Avira) but i ran it couple days ago twice full system scan it came back with nothing or minimal detections.

I really need some expertise with these faults im not sure what cure i need for this

in the attachement are my OS information i hope someone can and will help me with this because its scarying the crap out of me


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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

I know you probably already found the right section to post this in, but here are the instructions for you anyway...

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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