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Cant open programs after scanning

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I completed second scan. the following is the log report. Still can't open any programs. What do I do?

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware


Database version: 6408

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702

4/20/2011 3:20:14 PM

mbam-log-2011-04-20 (15-20-14).txt

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 259802

Time elapsed: 11 minute(s), 42 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 0

Registry Values Infected: 1

Registry Data Items Infected: 1

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\shell\open\command\(default) (Hijack.ExeFile) -> Value: (default) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.

Registry Data Items Infected:

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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

It could be an infection that is not yet detected by Malwarebytes...

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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