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As a shop we use this tool a lot and we have been thinking of changes that we could think of,

we have come up with having a progress bar to see the progress of the scans,

it just half of the time are scans sit there for a long time before they show what they are doing so having this will help users like us to see that it is doing something.


Yellowstone Computers

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The current consensus appears to be that any type of real time progress bar would actually increase scan times which most people do not want.

In order to actually have a real time update progress bar you would need to read, update display, read, update display vs. read, read, read, read, etc update display, read, read read etc etc, update display as we currently do it.

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The current consensus appears to be that any type of real time progress bar would actually increase scan times which most people do not want.

In order to actually have a real time update progress bar you would need to read, update display, read, update display vs. read, read, read, read, etc update display, read, read read etc etc, update display as we currently do it.

Ok so it only on the paid one, i not on about the real time scanning i on about the scans that me as a user starts.

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No the current progress bar method used is on the free and paid version and they operate the same. It does update but it's not a live progress as that would actually make the scan take much longer to complete.

Thank you

I can't see how it will make it go long when my anti virus has got one and that take less time to do a virus scan than what your malwarebtyes take. On average malwarebytes will take 3-5 hours some have taken longer. My anti virus 1-2 hours full system scan. doesn't seem to add up if you tell me.

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