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Drive-by Download

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I am concerned about malicious JavaScript attacks. I understand that these are client side java scripts that get downloaded from a webserver. The way I understand it, these scripts can reside on legitimate popular websites and redirect the visitor to malicious websites without the users knowledge, injecting inline JavaScript (i.e. iframe attacks). I understand from a Sophos Whitepaper (Dec 2010) that this is now the cybercriminals "favorite" means of attack. Malwarebytes states that it protects against malicious websites.

Does Malwarebytes protect against malicious JavaScripts from infected websites, and particularly the legitimate but hacked websites?

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Hello and :)

I am not on the Malwarebytes staff, but the pro version should be able to protect you, along with your anti-virus software. Malwarebytes Web Blocker function in the PRO version should block some if not most of these sites and attacks. The database gets updated at least 5 to more times a day.

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