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PC shuts down

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I got some great help from Maniac removing a nasty bug, Thanks again Maniac! Yet I have a lingering shut down issue. My machine will shut down (turn off) all on its own. Sometimes it is while running a scan (MBAM or other program) and sometimes while it is just idle like over night or during the day.

I get no infection repoerts from MBAM and from other programs just the usual cookies and temp files. Could some other setting be corrupt?

I have also had a problem with another machine that the hard drive became ubreadable a few days ago. I had replaced it a few months ago and it just froze up, then would not boot. When I went into Set Up and tried a disc check it would get to line 7 and fail. A coworker told me I need to set the drive to "park" the heads when it shuts down. Any info on this topic would be apreciated.

Thanks again to Maniac and everyone here for creating and helping those who are not quite in the know...


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Hello and :)

For the shut down issue it could be several things. It could be getting hot due to a lot of dust inside the computer, you need to clean it out. Also it could be a bad cooling fan that could be causing the heating problem. May need to replace cooling fans.

The most common issue with this type of issue is the power supply. I would replace the power supply myself....

As for parking the heads, with the technology on hard drives these days, there is no need to park the heads...

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I knew that! Yeah it has been a few months since it has been cleaned.... this machine has 2 cooling fans, it sits on the kitchen island and doesn't move much, the battery is in the drawer. Not thinking the power supply is at fault though.

So parking heads is not something to be concerned with? OK. Thanks for the input!


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