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Difference between MBAM free and fee version?

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Do you know if this replaces MS Windows Defender? or can they be both run simultaneously?
I run both simultaneously.

I use an extensive HOSTS file and some malware attempts to modify it to prevent access to Security sites so I am notified immediately if it is modified.

It is updated daily and I prefer to download it by visiting Microsoft's update portal:


End Windows Defender then download mpas-fe.exe then run it.

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I love MBAM and was inquiring what is/are the differences between the freeware and feeware versions? I see the freeware version does alot, what DOESN'T it do?

The freeware version does not have active protection. The active protection is going to get much better at prevention in the near future with site blocking, the free version will remove malware it finds as always.

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